My Life Goal of 2016

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
3 min readJul 6, 2016

Watching season 3 of “The Fosters” seeing Sophie with personality disorder, Chloe (Rita’s daughter) with bipolar Axis 1 disorder (also known as manic depressive disorder), Rita’s ex-husband suffered from depression and Anna suffering from possibly post-partum depression; is proof enough of how mental illness is everywhere now.

“It’s not okay to be unhappy.” – Principal Monte

“You can’t be afraid to speak up.” – Callie

What am I passionate about? You all know that! Inspiring people. It’s what I was meant to achieve as my life purpose, passion and profession for my life! I’ve never really felt the feelings that it makes me when I get the flow and adrenaline while being inspired and resulting with many inspiring and unbelievably awesome and powerful thoughts and overall messages! It makes me most confident, proud, happiest, beautiful human being that I’ve never felt ever in my entire life so far!

The Fosters

“Every kid says mean things to their parents. You can’t be afraid to speak up, we all mess up even. I get it, we’re all the same. Every foster kid think we’re not allowed to say what we need or to stand up for ourselves. But we have to.” – Callie

“We foster kids have no control of our own lives and it’s our time to speak up and we start calling people out by name. That is the only way that things will change. And we cannot be afraid. And that is why I’m telling my story and I really hope that you’ll tell yours.” – Callie

(3 min 15 sec left) “Daughters

After watching this episode of “The Fosters” has really got me realizing how truly inspiring Callie really is. Especially in this episode and the episode before. Everything Callie said in the last 3 minutes of the episode I honestly and truthfully agree and believe 100%. Thinking about it further in more dept for myself, I believe that this is part of what and why I want to continue achieving. my life purpose and passion: inspiring others.

It’s what makes me more confident, happy, proud and beautiful than I’ve ever felt my entire life. I want to do this because I know what it’s like with many things in life we all go through, and I want to be one of those people who say “because of you, I didn’t give up.” I want to be one of those people. Hearing that would just make me proud, happy for achieving that point with my life purpose and passion! Overall that is what I want to pursue with my life. It’s the only thing that I’ve ever wanted that has ever made me this confident, proud, happy and beautiful than ever! This is all that I’ve ever wanted for myself and my life!

Before I end this, I would like to also add that another part of my life purpose and passion is helping in everything in the area of mental health. I know what it’s like in that field of life. Being depressed, I know; because I’ve been there myself enough to know what kind of effects it has on our lives. Suffering from depression, and achieving my recovery, has given me so much more than I ever knew or believed. I also believe that I’m one of those people who think “I’m glad I was depressed, because it brought me to a better life, and helped me not only discover (recreate myself) who I truly wanted to be but also find new parts of my purpose. I want to pursue this for my life profession and achieving all that I’ve shared here would make me happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.