My Passions – Life-Changing

“Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing” – Hunter S. Thompson

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
4 min readJul 7, 2016


Passion: what comes to your mind when you think about passion?

An Inspiration: A Role Model

I really do admire Bekah Miles and Meghan for not only their videos but taking the courage and everything else along with it to share their story without letting anything stopping them like being judged, etc. I look up to Bekah Miles as an inspiration and someone who I really admire for the steps she took to share with the world what she had been through mentally. It’s so great to have people out there in the world like these two, to not only relate to but look up to for inspiration, help, quidance, and everything else. Especially celebrities like Demi Lovato as one of those who I really admire and love all that she is and has done in the world with her talents, power, and everything else she has to get her where she is now in her life.

I’m so truly grateful to have these people in my life also Tracey Bazso too who I go to for support, help, guidance, inspiration and everything else I’ve gone to them for help. Having role models is such an important role and the kind of people the world needs more of and with all that I’ve gone through, I want to be one too; a role model, an inspiration. Where someone can say “because of you, I didn’t give up!I want that.

Do you have any ideas with turning this goal and passion into a career? Any careers that would suit and offer this kind of thing in a job. This is what I’m passionate about, I’ve inspired others with my old blog on Tumblr (Laura1646) which was active one year in high school till the end of April last year for a personal reason that I honestly wish I could’ve worked it out to let me keep it. And when I was inspiring others, I received messages with questions from fans on things that wanted answers to, and comments they gave me on my blog:

  • my blog is inspirational and relatable
  • my blog is uplifting and encouraging
  • they agree with the way I interpret things and believe that it’s beautiful

And in fact with all those comments that I just listed, I totally agree with 110%. Anyway, getting these messages, made me realize that was: what I was good at, passionate about, and it also made me happy helping people in that pariticular way. Thinking I can share this idea with one of those mental health places on the phone but prefer in person, and see what options they have for me.


Three songs for sources for this idea of mine are:

Each girl is who they want to be as a girl themselves. And we don’t need anyone out there to take that away from us in the world ever. What we need is more role models out there to continue inspiring each one of us girls to embrace the girl that we are most confident, beautiful and proud to be. And many other great inspirational quotes out there that have already inspired better change for the world.

But we can’t stop no matter what, we need to continue changing the world and the way society with views many things all part of the world. We all matter, all boys and guys too. Let’s go out there and inspire the right, creative and inspiring things to “create” a better world for the better! That’s what the world needs. We need to save the world and the future from all the bad things and issues out there and never stop!

Why am I mentioning this when talking about my passion? Well, it’s a way of inspiring and creating the right kind of change, and I’m not only a huge fan of all that, but plan and intend to be one of those people who makes a difference in many areas in the world. Society, governments, over-populated countries, famine, starvation, obesity, and the list goes on. Overall this idea and plan, I’m one of those people who is so passionate about making a difference in my own creative, fun, inspiring and beautiful ways! I want to empower change by inspiring it, not demanding it.

“You don’t demand change, you inspire it” – Lying To Be Perfect

I’m a big fan of doing something about issues around the world. Like Tomorrowland quoted:

“I get things are bad. But what are we doing to fix it?”

David Nix: Have you ever wondered what would happen if all the geniuses, the artists, the scientists, the smartest, most creative people in the world, decided to actually change it?

Imagine that!

And so I see so many issues that need more awareness and change, I intend to do something with each one of them. Obesity and starvation, I’m gonna research all the facts about them (for example) and then plan how exactly and what I’m gonna do to fix it. That’s what I’m a fan of, and very passionate and serious about in all reality!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.