Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
3 min readJul 21, 2016


Purpose, 6 years Convinced To Throw Away, Believed In It Anyway!

Being told to throw something away or give up something or someone that means a great deal to us, but chooses to stick with it or them anyway is a powerful, inspiring and hard thing to accomplish in all reality!

It started within the remaining few months of grade 8, when I was given a project in geography where I had to pick a country and do research on it. Some I found were interesting but wasn’t fascinated with any. Except when I thought about the earthquake in Haiti that year, thinking about wanting to do that one for the project. Haiti wasn’t on that list, but asked my teacher if I could, she approved.

I did all my research on Haiti and put it in a scrapbook, earned an A on it and not only my teacher write a note, but also both principals too. I still currently have it somewhere in my closet.

Anyway, from thinking about the earthquake in Haiti, I had then come to realize that I wanted to do something. I wanted to join all the others out there with creating positive social change. And that was what I had decided to be my: “Life Purpose”.

Then almost two years later in the begginning of grade 10, I had joined Green Club for the 2nd time in high school (so far then) and the teachers involved in the club, talked about We Day, Free The Children and all of us in the room getting the opportunity to attend the event: September 27th, 2011. So I was really fascinated with what I was hearing about this amazing event.

So when the day arrived, I woke up early to get to school for the meeting time to get on the bus to head to the Air Canada Center. The traffic was quite heavy from what I can remember. We arrived a little late but didn’t miss anything. We had arrived inside the Air Canada Center and found our seats.

Throughout the day at We Day, I had become really amazed, fascinated more and inspired in all the things Craig & Marc have created and what that lead to up to then. And then now. After a point with attending the concert, I had been inspired to still hold onto my life purpose. For Craig & Marc Kielburger had inspired so much social change in which millions of fans have been doing their parts to contribute to creating a better world through social change like they have inspired and proven is possible.

At some point in 2015 or 2016 my parents & sister told me basically to give up or throw away my life purpose. To inspire others, they believed and knew that it would be better for me to focus on inspiring myself or whatever rather than inspiring others. But honestly, they don’t get it at all. They probably didn’t and still at the moment now realize how much that really hurt me for I had already previously told them part of my life purpose that I had discovered and found myself.

But from that day, I still decided to keep believing and holding onto my life purpose and passion. I’ve never been so passionate about something before and I don’t plan to let what my own parents told me, to just give it up just like that. I’m not gonna let that happen.

My life purpose and passion is too important to me to just do that. I’m not ever willing to through it away. I can’t imagine not doing anything with my life purpose and passion. I’ve never felt more alive, excited and so happy than anything else ever has given me in result.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.