Social Change Agent Starts Something…

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
19 min readJul 8, 2017

Reality! We all know it all too well for all those of a certain age to know; and yet many of us want healthier, positive change for our world and then there’s the rest of society just barely living their lives without doing their part in all the world’s issues and epidemics to bring our world closer to achieving overall world peace.

Not realizing how they wonder how certain things like the suicide rate is unhealthy and negatively high. But not contributing anything on their part to change that number.

Well it’s our time to continue changing our world for the better. As for it all begins with one person and forms a change reaction.

It’s when life throws a lot of things on you all so fast, that not only a part of what makes you who you are, but can also inspire the world at how you handle life at these times in reality. Life isn’t easy not fair sometimes, but we have to accept what we cannot change and think differently to fix things that we shouldn’t accept.

  • “I get things are bad. But what are we doing to fix it?” ~ Tomorrowland
  • There are two wolves. They are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. Which wolf wins?

When I had decided to not do something, I knew I had changed. I was able to resist the urge to do something that wasn’t healthy for me. I was then more able to control habits when they try to take me down the wrong road that I know I shouldn’t follow anymore. It taught me right from wrong. And therefore I’m proud of myself for that!

If one person speaks up and writes something powerful that day, someone knows that needs it may see that message, that person shares that message, and it just goes on and on. It always has to start with one person!

When you believe in something or work on something that you not only believe in but love, enjoy and do great work with; you should not give in to what others tell you to do.

It’s like if you wanna be accepted by society and so you get all caught up you are stuck in the prison world. Yet regardless of all that you should just be who you wanna be and stay strong with being true to yourself! Never be someone that you don’t wanna do or be. Because it’s simply a waste of your time!

Be the best that you can be!

A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, “a turn around”) is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time when the population rises up in revolt against the current authorities.

Step Up Revolution

Once I saw this title, I instantly knew this was my kind of movie: inspirational! The title says it all! Step up: Revolution! It inspires the audience to step up, be who you want to be, step up fight for wha you want, step up for your own rights! Step up and be heard! Step up, and break the rules! Breaking rules can be good at times in all reality!

Is it really that bad? Like seriously! Yeah maybe in the past two days I’ve shared 7 articles from The Mighty on my Facebook but so what. Yeah I should probably post or share articles and stuff around other topics like social events, charity stuff and news stories.

But mental health is important to me and I’m gonna take a break from sharing mental health articles for a while but I’m not gonna stop, just limit how often I do post/share them.

Mental health stigma sucks so bad and society needs to get to work. Society wonders why and how the suicide rate is as high as it is in countries around the world yet they do absolutely nothing on their part to lower it.

They don’t think that their chosen language when speaking about mental health, suicide and other things that trigger suicide into people’s minds.

If they just realize that how they speak to and about others affects that number of suicide in our world. If you want that number to reduce, find out how you can do your part to reduce it. Same goes for wanting world peace. You want world peace? I believe it must start with yourself. In the inside where it matters and counts!

In order to be kind to others, you must be kind to yourself first. So work on loving yourself unconditionally first to progress in reaching towards inner peace for yourself and then you can go from there. Like Michael Jackson inspired with his lyrics in “Man in the Mirror”! If you want to make a difference in the world, take a look at yourself and make a change.

If you want a relationship to become stronger or to see better and healthier change for someone, two people must do their parts. It can’t be a one way street. Both must do their parts. Don’t think that it’s all on that one person to better themselves. In order to see that change as it progresses, the other must be fully open, mindfully aware 100% (meaning without any judgments) to the change regardless of what the other person believes is wrong or unnecessary or needed.

You want to be part of it from inspiring change, inspire it. But don’t demand it. If someone wants to change or better themselves you can only inspire and try in that part, but that’s it. You can’t demand any kind of change onto someone l. If they want to change or better themselves, they will with their own choices, beliefs, values and priorities!

If they don’t want to do it your way or through your eyes or inspiration, don’t take it personally nor demand it like it’s your job or your responsibility to make sure they change in the way you want them to. That’s not your job nor your responsibility! Your responsibility is your own life, except for those who are parenting young ones.

Other than that, at a certain age, parents should respect, accept, understand and support fully what they kids want to be and what they wanna pursue with their life regardless of what the parents believe.

That’s not for them to control. They are at the age where they are in charge and responsible for their own lives now. I’m at that age for quite some time now. But my parents haven’t learned, accepted nor tried that method or way of viewing and responding in these moments!

When it comes to change, we all create our own change. But when it comes to social change, not everyone participates because their own judgements, beliefs, values and maybe even priorities tell them not to because it may be against them.

So feeling that way, causes more trouble regardless of anything going against anyone’s beliefs, values or judgements.

You want to make a difference in the world? Well start with yourself first!

I’m starting with the man in the mirror

I’m asking him to change his ways

And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place. Take a look at yourself, and then make a change. ~ Michael Jackson

Being a social change agent, means being one no matter what anyone has to say. It’s standing by what you believe in. You believe in something, believe in it all the way and 24/7!

What’s the point of believing in something if you don’t believe in it forever?

The purpose of this book is to help encourage, support and inspire healthy, positive change through revolutionary actions that can one day impact and yet make the world a better, healthier, happier, positive environment for all humans overall all mammals to live in all of reality!

The Introduction To A Revolutionized Society

Reality! We all know it all too well for all those of a certain age to know; and yet many of us want healthier, positive change for our world and then there’s the rest of society just barely living their lives without doing their part in all the world’s issues and epidemics to bring our world closer to achieving overall world peace.

Not realizing how they wonder how certain things like the suicide rate is unhealthy and negatively high. But not contributing anything on their part to change that number.

Well it’s our time to continue changing our world for the better. As for it all begins with one person and forms a change reaction.

Thinking…change for the better good

It’s when life throws a lot of things on you all so fast, that not only a part of what makes you who you are, but can also inspire the world at how you handle life at these times in reality. Life isn’t easy not fair sometimes, but we have to accept what we cannot change and think differently to fix things that we shouldn’t accept.

“I get things are bad. But what are we doing to fix it?” ~ Tomorrowland

There are two wolves. They are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. Which wolf wins?

When I had decided to not do something, I knew I had changed. I was able to resist the urge to do something that wasn’t healthy for me. I was then more able to control habits when they try to take me down the wrong road that I know I shouldn’t follow anymore. It taught me right from wrong. And therefore I’m proud of myself for that!

“Life is impossible, so believe that your unstoppable!”

I reject that! Life is possible, amazing, beautiful, unforgettable, worth loving, and so much more. Life can also be rough, hard, but never. impossible! Saying that life is possible is like believing that your possible!

If you want to live the life you’ve been dreaming for all your life, it’s time to start working on that dream life. Dreams don’t work unless you do.

And do yourself a favour and don’t let society get in the way of your own happiness. Don’t put the key to your own happiness in someone else’s pocket.

If someone tells an optimistic person to “fix the world” they may not feel much of any pressure with achieving that goal. What goes inside an optimistic mind: something that they dream of creating, they make it their goal to make that happen no matter what life throws at them.

Therefore nothing is impossible! In conclusion, optimistic people are the future! And I believe that I am one of those people, and I won’t let anyone down who I share my dreams with, because I know I will achieve the impossible!

Sometimes being optimistic is more than hard but challenging in which is a challenge in itself. But we have to ask ourself: how badly we want it? If we want it badly enough, we know it’s worth fighting for no matter what unfair and painful moments we will go through a long the way.

We have to keep in mind what we want and how badly we want it and let it be our motivator. Our motivation to keep going. To stay strong and hold on long enough to make it to the top!

Are you confident enough to set your mind to achieving all that you want with your life? If so what are you working on that you want in your life?

What do you want to pass on to others to inspire healthier yet positive change in our world?

The world is filled with opportunities and it’s time that we open our eyes and our minds to them so we can make more changes for a better world!

So live it like you never live it twice!

We live our lives like we normally do.. Doing the normal things but not every one of us goes the “extra mile”. For example, Craig Kieburger at age 12, saw a devastating article in the newspaper and instantly wanted to do something about it.

Then after hard work with his plan with doing something about what he had learned from the article, he and his brother created “Free The Children” – here’s a few videos about what Free The Children has and is currently doing now as an organization.

I’m absolutely a huge fan of Free The Children and ever so happy to be part of this amazing and unbelievable organization that has created and changed so much since day one. So proud and grateful to have Craig & Mark Kielburger who created such an amazing movement!

“Imagine that you woke up everyday believing that you could make a difference in the world. Now imagine, it wasn’t just you. Imagine it was everyone.”

All the hate & lies around us!

All this hate and lies needs to stop, forever! End once and for all. Not like the war to end all wars in World War II.

People don’t realize how powerful their hate for things in life can affect others. It can kill people if you say mean, offensive things to people or even in public. You may not realize it at the moment, but it does. So just think about it and make a change and a difference in how you speak in public to help heal others instead of causing people stress and suicide thoughts to only a matter of seconds or minutes before they actually act on that: suicide.

Act before it’s too late, and end up losing a someone you care and love. Anyone out their could be fighting their lives to live for amother day, a battle that you don’t know about. Being kind is an important thing here… you don’t know anything about what someone may be battling and should know to be kind in the end result.

If you do something really bad and you seem to dwell too much on it. I think the best thing to do is not let it define who you are as a person. You are not defined by any mistakes or decisions you’ve made in your life, it’s time to start a new chapter in your life; its called: A Fresh Start

“Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along.” – Rae Smith

What Really Matters

Money is the only thing that does a greater good for the world. It’s the words and actions that are more important and special than anything in the world. Money is important but shouldn’t be used to please someone in any way to like you as who you are for the fears of not being liked back. If they don’t like you for who you are, then think that there is someone better out there that is perfect and better for you.

Don’t be hard on yourself. You deserve someone who not only accepts you for who you are but loves you too!

One day I remember watching the commercial for Special K where they inspire the audience to stop hating parts of our bodies. And instead inspire them to change the way we look at ourselves. After that, I stopped being in the habit of wearing what others would approve of without showing anything that’d hate or dislike about my appearance overall myself.

And I started only thinking about what I feel comfortable and confident with for I have finally achieve self love; loving myself for the first time. And after I started loving myself for the first time and I was then more easily able to not let what others say or think about me anymore. Not let what others say, dictate how I choose to live my life.


We all do stupid, reckless mistakes in our lives, no one is perfect. And part of life is making mistakes and being able to learn from them. But not only that, but let it make you stronger and wiser for the future! Don’t be ashamed of what you did wrong in your past life, it’s a new chapter, don’t dwell on them, and focus on the better, positive and happy parts of life.

Do whatever you need for yourself to let go of this perfection habit. Because no one is perfect, life and the world overall aren’t perfect and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s actually a good thing entirely. Don’t be ashamed of what you did in your past life because it may have made you look like a fool or whatever label, but also it made you stronger, wiser and able to think better, healthier, and wiser to start creating the life that you rightfully and truthfully deserve.

We all deserve the life that we want without anyone dragging us down, or discouraging or holding us back from all we’ve ever wanted in our lives: passion, life purpose, true happiness, a life profession in whatever we feel is best with what we are passionate, happy, confident and proud to achieve for the rest of our lives.

In all reality, we all find times where we let certain things stand in our way preventing us from the things that we value and are important to us to achieve.

But what we aren’t aware of in the moment, is what the right thing to do in these times: whatever we want that makes us happy whether it’s being that someone that we’ve dreamed of being, achieving our life purpose and life passion, to anything else that makes us happy, is always and only what we need to remember.

Just need to practice getting into this habit of remembering what you really want that makes you happy before letting anyone stand in your way in the future.

When it comes to life and reality, we must take risks and chances to get what we want in our lives! Cuz if we don’t, nothing changes. Because everything or most things involves taking some risks.

So we have to figure out what things are worth the risks they come with. Are try worth it? Do they harm anything that’s of value to us, anything we believe in, love or prioritize as a high priority: like our mental health?

And you know it doesn’t matter. Because with or without this potentious monologue you can if you want to. Even if you don’t, you can do anything! I can do anything! – Hedley

Nothing is impossible both good and bad. So regardless of the possibilities for the bad things, take some risks and chances!

How will you know something or learn anything if you don’t challenge yourself or take some risks and chances?

Give Yourself A Break

When it comes to the hard, challenging and almost impossible moments and things to achieve and conquer, it’s stated that life itself is not at all easy to what anyone would think to believe.

It’s not just about what we do but how we do it that counts. It matters more than enough of how we decided to solve an issue, problem, epidemic or addiction. For example, let’s use technology.

Those who were born in the 1990's to early 2000's; they are (including myself) can find oneself easily to be attached to our smartphones: posting on our blogs, updating our Twitter feeds, and much more.

But regardless of that fact, it’s the challenge in itself to work on practicing a better routine and a healthier habit when it comes to technology. Many of us have some kind of addiction with posting any posts a day on Tumblr, tweeting many times on Twitter, and every other online social media platform every teenager and young adults are attached to.

But to be able to start on the working process of getting into a healthier habit and lifestyle with technology, it takes more than the challenge itself but also commitment, strength, control, and much else to be able to succeed with progress! And one must be able to hold oneself back when in the feeling of that urge to go back to their old yet unhealthy habits like technology.

And doing so won’t be one bit easy. And yeah we’ve all been down those roads which are way too familiar: where we beat ourselves up and let others take away our own and only self worth.

To be able to be set free from that pain and repeated cycle, one must accept that whether or whenever those people choose to stop taking away our self worth, we have to put it in our hands. We have to focus on what we know rather than what others make us feel, feeling unworthy and much else in the end.

If something doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Repetition is reality. ~ Soren Kierkegaard

We might enjoy a flight of fancy or experience her character, Esther Greenwood, wanted to be done with things, at once, forever. She wanted to be free of reality. And tragically, in the end, she was.

We all are damaged and we all have to be accepting of the fact that we all come with baggage and our pasts in which many of us may still feel shameful for.

But with time, they will change, but still remain with our baggage!

To all those times where I felt so worthless, unwanted, lonely and so unlovable; I was wrong. Yeah it’s true and accurate to believe that it’s true. But the part of it being the right as healthy, wrong.

Because we shouldn’t feel worthless, unwanted, unlovable given by how others speak, and treat us.

No matter what anyone says, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. The only thing you can prove wrong is yourself.

Prove yourself wrong that you can do anything you set your mind to and to not let anything or anyone stand in your way. Even when they do, which they will, you won’t let them.

Being proud of who you are, who you are with and what kind of love you plan on achieving, is something real and more important to anyone.

Anyone that wants to live their dreamy life, should only choose to live the life you want to you, no matter what anyone says is wrong, or whatever they say about what we dream and believe in!

When it comes to believing, we can’t always have others there to believe in us, it’s the belief we have in ourselves that makes things happen for ourselves. If we want something, we must believe in ourselves.

When we believe in ourselves, we are half way to whatever we set our minds to achieving!

No matter what’s behind us (our past) it’s those in front of us (people and opportunities) are something to look forward and be in the present moment!

To be in the moment when amazing opportunities and milestones arrive at your door!

You must do the thing you think you cannot do. – Eleanor Roosevelt

When those dreams you’ve had for long enough, (regardless of how many years) we should still follow through with them if we still believe in them enough and want them still.

To me, I still have most of those dreams I’ve had since I was young except for wanting to be an interior designer.

Today is our day to do whatever we want. So what, screw what others think, do what you wanna do. Do what makes you happy! Do the things that you enjoy: hobbies, passions, purpose…

If you want something or someone, get to it. Work on a plan, a day and just make it your day with achieving that something or spending a day with that special someone!

Life may seem long but it’s short, so go out and live your life your way. Live that life on your own terms and be your own person.

We think trying something may turn out badly but it can actually turn out better than we may think or imagine. We just have to allow ourselves to put ourselves out in the universe to learn and become stronger, wiser and more! Magic!

When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.

How to be happy: ignore people who think they know more about you than you do.

Influence is the compass. Persuasion is the map!

We must believe in ourselves enough to believe in our dreams to help make them become part of our reality!

Believe the endless possibilities when you allow yourself to the possibilities more positive than the negative.

There’s more possible when you set your mind to something and working on achieving them!

Believing in the positivity that things can really turn out and really come out to make your life better than it used to be.

You’d be surprised when you allow yourself to experience life even those unwanted and unfair moments that come with living in our reality!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.