Step Up

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
2 min readJun 13, 2017

How many people make it as a dancer: One out of a thousand, one out of ten thousand!

It’s one thing to dance when your a kid, and it’s another thing to try to make a career out of it!

We used to see eye to eye for everything. Emily & dad against the world! What happened?

We can still eye to eye, dad. I just also wish that you could want for me what I want for myself!

I see so much of Callie Adams Foster in me! I can see so much of her logic in mine. I would’ve responded the ways she did in many of the moments in season 4 of The Fosters! There’s always a way. So what the society laws are, we have so much that we have made wrong and so broken in our world. And it’s our job to make it better. To fix what we broke.

That’s one thing our parents most likely have taught us. And so I believe that we have to fix our broken justice system. They look at the what and who but not the why. That’s so messed up. How they deny nor ignore the reasons or facts to clarify why someone did something.

It’s the right thing to stand up for what you believe in. If you wanna stand up for what you believe in, and things get hard, don’t get scared enough because of the higher risks and back down. Never back down, hold on and never walk away from what you believe in.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.