Stop Controlling The World

Inspire it instead

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
2 min readJul 6, 2017


So much of life can be more than challenging enough to really impact our lives and make us stronger and wiser in ways we never knew nor saw coming! We want so much in our lives and more than enough of us give up when things get even a little hard or challenging. But we have to push ourselves to be challenged because that’s how we will change.

We can’t stay in our comfort zone. Nothing happens there. Outside of our comfort zone is where everything happens! If you don’t challenge yourself, you won’t change. And so that brings me to my experiences with this. And when I say what I’m about to say, I mean it with all the truth, logic, intelligence and education that I have and that I gained from making the choices I made.

It wasn’t easy and there were numerous times where I wanted to give up but I chose to hold on because of how badly I wanted those things I was working towards. Even regardless of how hopeless I felt, I held on because of how badly I wanted the things I wanted. And because of how I chose to respond, I ended up with great success and I continued to improve myself, feel more like the real person I was meant to be!

And for all that I worked hard for, in so truly grateful and happy for it all and for myself! For all that I did, I’m so proud also for myself! For all those sacrifices I made and the choices I made that my own parents and sister did not like nor approve of and wanted me to respond their way because that’s what they thought I needed to follow as a responsible citizen of society! And for where I’m at today, I’m so thankful for it all!

The problem is not the problem – the problem is your attitude about the problem.

It’s not the problem about the problem, it’s how you are talking about the problem. Are you just talking about the problem in a high toned voice with negative language or are you talking about a solution to the problem in a healthy yet polite and kind manner?

Well it’s time to explore that a lot more. You have plenty of time to do the real math here. And one things for sure, you won’t like it and in order to get any kind of healthy change in your life, you must allow it to do it’s thing as well as doing some work yourself, not just seeing where you are wrong.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.