The Big Problem With Customer’s Intentions

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents


I’ve been selling items through buy and sell platforms online and I’ve had customers who make this big mistake:


People expect me to hold items for them, some of them tell me “ I’ll get back to you” and sometimes days pass and no update from them. So when and if I get a offer offer from another interested customer wanting the item and available to pickup the same day, I accept right away and sell to them when they show up.

The customers who complain when I don’t sell to them is no one’s fault but their own. Like in my previous post I talked about: dreams don’t work unless you do; if you don’t do enough work to make any dream a reality, how can you expect anything to become true and real if you don’t communicate and put the necessary amount of work to make it happen?

No one can make it happen if you don’t… communicate what you want. No one can read anyone’s minds, we aren’t robots, as are human beings.

If you want a seller to hold an item for you so it’s guaranteed to be theirs, ask them if the seller allows that? If so prepare yourself that they may have part of that policy as needing a deposit (half the amount of the item(S) or the full amount chosen by customer) to guarantee the items for the customer. If they don’t provide a deposit, the items won’t He guaranteed.

Sellers use this method as many people can easily agree to a meet up date to meet to complete the sale and yet many won’t even show up for many different reasons . And some may not even message the seller after the meet up date has passed. They use this method to also not lose out on more successful sales with other customers.

I know this because I’ve had a few customers be a “no show” and I had other offers /takers which I could’ve gained another successful sale but a customer told me they wanted it but never showed up.

One customer specifically said “I’ll get back to you” on a Tuesday one week and Friday a few day’s later the same week, comes and another customer messages me with interest in the same item and says she can pickup that day in 30–90 minutes approx/estimated by my memory and I chose to sell to her because the guy who messaged me before the woman I hadn’t heard from and after I messaged him back stating I sold to someone else, he said “Sorry that was the only one I was interested” and “You should’ve told me since I told you i wanted it and we’re going to meet”.

Before that, I told him I won’t be visiting 3 towns he mentioned he visits for a while and he said he’s in no rush to buy the item as he states this: “Not in rush! Buying it for a friend” and “None! I know he’s into these stones and thought to get him one regardless of the event” I asked if he needed for Christmas or next year, and he said none. And lastly before the reply about how I sold it and to a woman not him, he replied with: “That’s why I don’t care for time”.

My thought on that is he may not care for time but it’s a good idea to check with the seller if they intend/plan on selling to first come first serve. As in they prefer to sell ASAP to whoever agrees to a meet up date and shows up. He didn’t even think of that at all with me during the convo. If he had, maybe things may have worked out in his favour. He ASSUMED I would hold it for him and then down any other offers I receive from other interested customers. Like no… hello.

Read this if you haven’t already:



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.