The Strength Is Powerful!

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
4 min readJun 29, 2017

Thinking back to when I was depressed and also in recovery, I had thoughts that “what if I died? What if I killed myself?” And thinking of what kept me alive. And also for the fact that I’m still alive and the fact that I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for many certain things. Through it all, I’m grateful for it all.

I couldn’t be any prouder for what I feel for my progress and achievements and I won’t let anything anyone refuses or lacks of get in the way of what I can see with my own two eyes. I’m absolutely done with getting all caught up in society’s messed up world. I’m out of their prison world and I’m not going back. I’m locking every door back into that hell of a world.

Most importantly my existence on earth. Because of all that happened in the past 2 years have helped me, taught me valuable life lessons and new knowledge on how to take better care of my mental health. Knowing the right an wrong ways to treat and care for my mental health.

Regardless of all the bad things that have happened in my life, things are finally looking up and I’m gonna be grateful for the opportunity I have to work at Walmart and all else that is coming next…

Whatever happens, will happen and what has already happened, is behind me to help make me stronger and wiser. As long as I allow myself to do the necessary work to earn the rewards and outcomes of doing so. Which is what I’ve been doing long enough!

I’m gonna continue to advocate for mental illness and mental health for as long as I’ll live.

Anxiety and stress are two things that can be hard to maintain and control. But with enough of both and enough intelligence, knowledge and education, anything is possible to control yourself and make the life you want without letting anything get in the way or hold you back.

Nothing is impossible!

When it comes to understanding mental illness and the whole mental health subject as a whole topic, it’s gonna be quite the challenge espeically with the powerful and deadly stigma around it. It can be hard to accept education in which many of us don’t understand nor agree with in our own beliefs and values that we live with along with our mindset we have used with our lifestyle.

But all it takes is the choice to make the commitment to try and understand and educate yourself on mental health and mental illness.

Education for mental health is so important because then you are able to recognise mental behaviours and such to help you do what you need to get yourself or others the help they need without demanding the change. It’s also important to know how to support those you know and love that are suffering/living with mental illness. Knowing how to take care of someone suffering/living with mental illnesss, and that also includes yourself.

Mental health is just as important as one’s physical health. Just think about it: if we didn’t have our brain, we wouldn’t exist. So wouldn’t it make senes to take better care of it than we have been in the previous years?

Mental helath is so important to me as it is for many years living with mental illness. It so important ot me because as how deeply mentally ill I was, I have learned to not take my mental health for granted. And by that, means my emotions, mood, thoughts, and the ability to create the life I want along with controlling how we let things in life impact us in our lives. And so muhc more that no one would even think of!

I know for me, little over 2 years in recovery with my mental health, I’m here to say that I was quite surprised, amazed, proud and happy with all my progress and all that I’ve learned in the time. I am also looking forward to what else I will learn as time flies!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.