The World And Me

You want change with no sacrifice. You want peace with no struggle. The world doesn’t work like that. ~ Allegiant

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
5 min readJan 30, 2018


Well I’d like to bring to our awareness or rather bring to light if we all haven’t come to this realization: we have many systems in our world and we are failing them. But what’s the real problem? We aren’t using the right method, mindset or way of thinking to use the right method to fix what we all broke.

We all played a part in all the issues and problems we have created in our society, in our world. And it’s time that we all come to acceptance and with maturity of what we did wrong and what we need to do, to make things anew. To do better, to forgive more, to love more, to be better overall so we can create a world that’s more kind, peaceful, happy and friendly with little to no war.

Remember: no war and anger has ever won as per what Selena Gomez Inspires in “Kill Em With Kindness” song. So I believe that its time to talk about the relation to this next quote below.

But I guess it is shocking to me. It’s shocking that the more I learn about the past, the more I feel like you’re all making the same mistakes over and over again. Human beings cannot be categorized in this way. It doesn’t work and maybe it’s time to start embracing everyone instead of dividing them into groups. Regardless of whether they’re pure or they’re damaged. Look I know this is just an experiment to you but these people in Chicago are real. And they are in a war right now because a division that you created and you’re doing nothing to help them. ~ Tris, Allegiant

We all say that we want better change in our society and for our own lives; for one being world peace yet we don’t contribute any real work towards that outcome, that result that we all want and dream of reaching one day. So what do we do to fix this pattern? How do we change this cycle?

Well it starts by taking responsibility for our actions and owning up to our mistakes. Regardless of those who choose to be vocal and honest about their own mistakes and actions, it’s the right thing to do on their end. On the other side, it’s good for those who were exposed by their mistakes others have expressed to the world, know it’s what’s best for them. And hope that the ones who’s mistakes and actions have been exposed, will be able to learn from them and move on with their lives.

It may seem or appear to others as selfish but it is in all the right reasons. Doing the things we need to do for ourselves contributes to reducing the stigma around mental illness. Include yourself, reducing the stigma in your own house, contributes greatly enough to reducing the stigma!

If you want to reduce the stigma one moment at a time, you must be mature about it. Take baby steps with gaining more maturity and responsibility, which comes with the acts of owning up to your mistakes and taking responsibility and beyond that: learning from them and moving on. Move on in a way that you are able to use previous mistakes to make better choices in the present and future!

Now that we’ve covered the area of taking responsibility and being mature in our own individual lives, it’s time to cover the subject of social change after self change.

You want better change, start with yourself and further down the process of this, you’ll learn how to express that self kindness on the outside towards others.

In order to be kind to others, you must learn how to be kind to yourself, first!

Well, next we are gonna cover the topic of taking risks and not letting the risks alone hold you back from taking them at all. If you want to take risks, take them and try your best to think of the pros you will gain from a moment like this and imagine what you’ll feel at the end of this. And let that be your guide and your motivation.

If you want something snd it involves some element of great risks, don’t think, just go for it. Who cares what anyone thinks or what that may even be against. Eventually they will see how this is a good thing and change is also good. This kind of change. This kind where a voice speaks: “be the change you wish to see in the world!

Anyway, now we need to talk about how society including ourselves as damaged, lunatics and other names. It’s not right at all, and we need to do something about this. If we want things to change, like I quoted above, “be the change” is the short form. It’s time to set the examples of the kind of change we wanna see in our world. Lead by example, cuz if you don’t, don’t expect anyone to follow what you inspire: aspire to inspire, right? Right!

My name is Tris Prior. And I am here to reveal the truth. There are others on this planet, they do not view us as as equals. They call themselves pure and they call us the damaged. They created a wall to divide us from their world with factions that divide us from each other. We were their experiment and it almost destroyed us. They tried to make us forget who we are and where we’re from. They did not succeed. So here we stand together, not as five factions but as one city. And we’re gonna tear down that wall. You’ve seen us and now we see you. For those of you beyond the wall, here me loud and clear because I know you’re listening. Chicago is not your experiment, it is our home. ~ Tris, Allegiant

We are so much more than we see ourselves to be and it’s our time to make some necessary changes in our society. It’s good for us and it’s good for our society. We just need to find a “creative” way to get this message to the rest of our society!

Well it’s that time where we remind ourselves of why we are doing this and imagining what it will look and feel like when we each our goals. Trust me, and anyone who stands by this: do it! Our society may not know these kinds of moments are good for them and for all of us but in time they will. Speaking with emotional intelligence!

Even brave people get scared. Do you think your mom’s not scared sometimes? She is, so am I! But what makes a person brave is not letting your fear stop you. ~ Carl, Ghost Whisperer

Yeah, so you feel scared? That’s a good thing, like really good! So you wanna know how to go from here to putting this into action, to make this a reality? Well you gotta make a plan and do the best you can to defeat or have the belief and thought “society won’t approve or …” so what, prove them wrong, again they may not know it’s good for them, but in time they will!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.