We Change The World

Social Change

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
8 min readMay 10, 2017


When it comes to achieving the impossible in which I believe in strongly enough, I like to just focus on what I’m focusing on and let the world be amazed and shocked at what is truly possible when you set your mind to something and not having any thoughts, or judgements getting in the way of our own success.

The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. – Alice

When it comes to creativity, cultivating something great is something amazing and great if we allow ourselves and let life and nature do its job.

Cultivate means: try to acquire or develop (a quality or skill).

– Try to win the friendship or favour of (someone).

– Try to improve or develop (one’s mind).

And so I’ve come to share here in this book of my passionate career in mental health and making something great. I’ve developed in improving my mind for the past 2 years and would like to dedicate and celebrate my achievements and successes in my recovery with the projects and changes I plan on making.

Scientific breakthroughs, beauty & wonder

In every moment, there is a possibility of a better future. But you people won’t believe it. And because you won’t believe it, you won’t do what is necessary to make it a reality.

There’s another topic I wanna cover here in the Happier community around the movie: Tomorrowland! Which is: In every moment, there is a possibility of a better future. But you people won’t believe it. And because you won’t believe it, you won’t do what is necessary to make it a reality. What would u do? Watch the movie on Netflix if you haven’t already and when you get to the part 2/3 through the movie where David Nix makes his big yet inspirational, but relatively accurate to our current reality, generation, century and as a society.

To me, at first I felt emotion with wanting him to shape up as for he’s choosing to feed the wrong wolf (there are two wolves. And they are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. Which wolf wins? In this case: which wolf are you feeding in any situation?); but then when I watched it again in tween the 13 times I’ve watched it so far (since I first watched it in February last year), I actually heard every word of his speech in which I really and truly agree with where we are as a society and what we have created in our world at our current generation and century!

So what are we gonna do about it? What ideas, thoughts, insights, etc do you have in mind (comment below) about what David Nix covered?

Frank: The monitor is acting as an antenna.

Cassie: It isn’t just receiving tachyons, it is taking a possible future and make it look like a feedback. Amplifying it. it’s a self fulfilling prophecy that’s coming from right there. But it’s not just showing people the end of the world, it’s giving them the idea over and over again until we just accept it. And we’re the ones that live the fumes. We still have 58 days to try and change things but nothing will work as long as that thing is still on.

David Nix: Young lady I’m gonna assume that. your knowledge of tachyons is a little sketchy. Shutting it down is impossible. there is no off.

Cassie: I’m. telling you what it’s doing. Why don’t you care?

Frank: Because he’s the one that’s doing it.

Let’s imagine: if you glimpse the future, you were frightened by the future, what would you do with that information? You would go to politicians, captains of industry: how would you convince them with data, facts. Good luck. Any facts they won’t challenge, they keep the wheels greased and the dollars rolling in. But what if there was a way of skipping the middle man and putting the critical news right in everyone’s head.

The probability of widespread annihilation kept going up. The only way to stop was to show it. To scare people straight. What reasonable human being would be galvanize by the potential destruction of everything they’ve ever known or loved. To save civilization, I would show its collapse. But how do you think this vision was received? How do you think people responded to the prospect of imminent doom?

They gobbled it up in a chocolate eclair. They didn’t fear their demise, they repackaged it. It can be enjoyed as video games, tv shows, books, movies, the entire world, whole-heartedly embraced the apocalypse. But sprinted towards with gleeful abandon. Meanwhile your earth was crumbling all around you. Civil ten years epidemics of obesity and starvation, explain that one?

Bees and butterflies start to disappear, the glaciers melt, the algae glooms, all around you, the calamine canaries are dead and you won’t take the hint. In every moment there is a possibility of a better future, but you people won’t believe it. And because you won’t believe it, you won’t do what is necessary to make it a reality. So you dwell on this whole terrible future, you resign yourselves to it. One reason because that future doesn’t ask anything of you today. So yes you saw the iceberg, you were on the Titanic, but you all just steered for it full steam ahead. Why? Because you want to sink. You gave up. It’s not the monitor’s fault, that’s yours.

The government is known as having a lot of power in the world. The power to control/be in charge of what we are limited to in life.

One thing I know they gave us is: freedom of speech. Now all of a sudden they chose to limit us of what we can and can’t say. When you think of what’s truly right and proper in life for power, we should be the only ones who have that kind of power of what we can do in life.

What we say and do, to what we want to do with our bodies, our life and such. They have the right to have a say but doesn’t necessarily mean you have to follow their thoughts on something. It’s our life, our body, our mouth, we have the power and choice of what we do with them.

The government does but isn’t the proper choice to follow/obey. They can’t make us obey anything we don’t want to.

Yeah sure something’s is expected and truthfully a proper thing to follow, but anything else, should be in our control. And they can never have an effect of what we choose in life.

It’s Breakthrough Time

Sometimes dreams can feel so far away, but that doesn’t mean you should give up there. It should be a reason to keep believing in yourself! Never give up! Never lose faith, hope in yourself or your future! Believe that anything is possible!

No matter how much effort, hard work, time & belief it takes. Always know that it will all be worth it al in the end! Focus on the good in life rather than the negative or your past stop you from doing anything! Ur in control of your life, not the government.

It’s our time to make a difference in our world. It’s our chance to make the world right again!

Sometimes it’s raising your voice, sometimes it’s making some noise, sometimes it’s proving to the world who was wrong.

Somewhere something is calling for you. Two worlds, one family. Trust your heart. Let fate decide. To guide these lives we see. – True Self

I want others to know by this blog post that mental illness and mental health is so important that with how society has viewed and responded to so many choices and actions in which the rest of us make to stand up for ourselves and to add a message that it’s a part of reality now, (no one can try or force any different) and that we should learn, educate ourselves on how we can help those we know and love who live with mental illness so we can increase the number of lives we will save instead of the lives we will lose due to suicide. If we want to live in a better world, we must be the change we wish to see in the world!

So we need to speak up to those living with mental illness and want to help remove the stigma in their community to help strengthen our relationships and create long-lasting peace! To add, peace starts from within: in order to be kind to others, we must learn to be kind to ourselves first. We must work on loving ourselves unconditionally, and all that comes with mental health care and self love which reaches to the point of inner peace. At that point, we are then able to know how to treat others by how we have learned to treat ourselves. Treat yourself how you want others to treat you. Like the quote: you must love yourself first before anyone else. So you know what that kind of love looks like so you can express that same love but the romantic and family love to others you know and love.

Social change is all about making a difference in the lives of those around us. And it is not just those who we meet or come across by achieving little acts of kindness such as opening a door for someone, paying for someone’s meal, lending a hand with an event; but also those who are less fortunate than use. Those who live in Haiti, Kenya, Indonesia, Ethiopia and many others in which are affected by child labour as well as lacking clean water, food, access to health care, an education, school supplies, clothes, shoes, roof over their heads, and much more.

It’s not only important to donate to charities with money, items and your time as well as volunteering and other forms of raising awareness and creating long-lasting change and peace in the world but also being grateful for what we have and not taking anything for granted. And if we have too much something like canned goods, or clothes that haven’t been worn in months, it’s time to donate them to the less fortunate.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.