Vanilla Ice’s 3 Rules for Social Media Customer Service

Stop, collaborate, and listen. We added a fourth…

2 min readJun 4, 2014

Anyone reading this should at the very least be familiar with Vanilla Ice. Otherwise, you won’t get the rules referenced for social media customer service.

If you’re not familiar with Vanilla Ice, please see below.

Vanilla Ice — Ice, Ice Baby [music video]

In the first five words, Mr. Ice shares 3 rules to remember for social media customer service. We’ll explain what Vanilla Is is not referring to in Ice, Ice, Baby.

  1. Stop
    Ease into your initial response. Even if you’re quick, your reply may not be well-formed and may cause more harm than good.
  2. Collaborate
    Reach out to your customer service team and get some background on the customer. Perhaps they have reached out before via phone or email.
  3. Listen
    The last thing customers want to do is repeat themselves. Listen empathically and try to understand how they feel by what they say.

Seems simple enough, right? Well, you may be thinking there’s something missing… There is a fourth rule, and it is potentially the most important. Especially when it comes to social media customer service.

  1. Respond.
    If a customer contacts you for service through any channel (social media, phone, email, chat, etc.) – respond! The majority of businesses and brands don’t and no one likes being ignored.

Now you’re ready to succeed at social media customer service, and maybe some Vanilla Ice trivia.

Next time a customer contacts you for social media customer service, tap your toes and repeat these four rules.

  1. Stop
  2. Collaborate
  3. Listen
  4. Respond

Thanks for your time. Want to learn more about social media customer service? Check out Comnio’s Customer Service Blog, or subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

