Unicorns, decacorns & super unicorns

Will LifeOnIT.com become a billion dollar start up?

Nigel Mark Dias
Social eCommerce
4 min readSep 11, 2015


Aileen Lee: seed investor, founder of Cowboy Ventures. As a venture capital investor, at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, founding CEO of RMG Networks, a KPCB backed company. Amy Chang: @_amychang CEO @Accompany. Board member @Splunk, @Informatica, Digital Advisory Council @Target. Disclosure: Aileen Lee, Amy Chang & Cowboy Ventures have not endorsed LifeOnIT.com. This article is not an official publication and has not approved by Aileen Lee, Amy Chang, Lawrence Sowell, Cowboy Ventures, Intuitive Technologies or iGrowIT.

Billion dollar start ups

Aileen Lee, the founder of Cowboy Ventures, wrote a seminal post in TechCrunch titled ‘Welcome To The Unicorn Club: Learning From Billion-Dollar Startups’.

Among other issues, Cowboy VenturesLearning Project wanted insights on billion dollar start ups, which Aileen Lee calls unicorns.

Is there anything we can learn from the mega hits of the past decade, like Facebook, LinkedIn and Workday?

The Cowboy Ventures blog notes that e-commerce companies continue to drive the most value in the set of companies & industries that they researched.

In terms of business models, e-commerce companies drive the majority of value in our set

E-Commerce companies (companies where a consumer pays for a good or service through the internet or mobile; including companies like Uber and Airbnb) continue to drive the most value (36%)..

Unicorns: USD 1 billion + value

Decacorns: USD 10 billion + value

Super unicorns: USD 100 billion +value

On average, eight unicorns were born per year in the past decade (versus four in the 2003–2013 era). There’s not yet a super-unicorn ($100 billion-plus in value) born from the 2005–2015 decade, but there are now nine “decacorns” ($10 billion-plus in value)

Facebook…..the breakout “super-unicorn” (worth >$100 billion)

Each major wave of technology innovation has given rise to one or more super-unicorns — companies that could change your life to work at or invest in, if you’re not lucky/genius enough to be a co-founder. This leads to more questions. What is the fundamental technology change of the next decade (mobile?); and will a new super-unicorn or two be born as a result?

Will a new superunicorn be born as fundamental changes take place in technology over the next decade? Image from TechCrunch: A unicorn list from Fortune.

Fortune magazine & CrunchBase compile unicorn lists. On Fortune’s list, Flipkart, the Bangalore based internet retailer & decacorn, is ranked just under Uber, Xiaomi, Airbnb and Palantir but higher than SpaceX, Pinterest, Dropbox, Lyft and Zomato.

In an alternate opinion on the characteristics of unicorns, Tim O’Reilly writes,

But there’s another kind of unicorn that may be even more important, and that’s the breakthrough, once remarkable, that becomes taken for granted. Tom Stoppard wrote eloquently about a unicorn of this sort in his play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead:

“A man breaking his journey between one place and another at a third place of no name, character, population or significance, sees a unicorn cross his path and disappear. That in itself is startling, but there are precedents for mystical encounters of various kinds, or to be less extreme, a choice of persuasions to put it down to fancy; until — “My God,” says a second man, “I must be dreaming, I thought I saw a unicorn.” At which point, a dimension is added that makes the experience as alarming as it will ever be. A third witness, you understand, adds no further dimension but only spreads it thinner, and a fourth thinner still, and the more witnesses there are the thinner it gets and the more reasonable it becomes until it is as thin as reality, the name we give to the common experience… “Look, look!” recites the crowd. “A horse with an arrow in its forehead! It must have been mistaken for a deer.”

Characteristics of Unicorns

So what makes a real unicorn of this amazing kind?

It seems unbelievable at first.

It changes the way the world works.

It has enormous economic impact that is not all captured by the entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who birthed it.

Unicorn, decacorn, or super unicorn ?

The first social network where you can shop, save & earn while sharing content with family and friends.

Basically, when I first came up with the idea, …it was to bring social networking, eCommerce and search into one platform. That was the overall vision and the way it started, it was pretty complex.

“I make dreams a reality. Currently working on a mission that allows social media users to financially benefit from the content they share.” Lawrence Sowell. Source: Lawrence Sowell’s LinkedIn summary. Lawrence Sowell’s image from http://www.tricitiesbusinessnews.com/

Lawrence Sowell, founder, President & CEO of Intuitive Technologies Inc “came up with the idea…when Facebook did their IPO in 2012.”

“Basically what makes this product special is the imagination of a person,” Sowell said in Mobile Entrepreneur.

Why the first social network where you can shop, save & earn all while sharing content with your family and friends is ready to permanently disrupt social media & e-commerce. 4 patents pending. #SocialMedia
#AdFree #SocialPlatform #PatentPending. “If you have the right idea and if you focus your idea around helping people or on something that helps people, it makes people want to use it or gives them an advantage, then you have their attention. It can be something that makes people feelcomfortable and if the experience is right, then people are gonna use it.” Lawrence Sowell

Social Commerce

How “IT” disrupts social media & e-commerce

The Company: it commits to never sell personal information. it offers deals on shopping. it can save you or make you a few bucks. it will ALWAYS be FREE. it won’t advertise. “it” is a social network that lets the users control their content, data and user experience. By special invite only. Source: LifeOnIt. ”Helping our users monetize their content through eCommerce,this is probably where the biggest magic or the piece of magic is as far this product stands.” Lawrence Sowell

The iPhone put a Cray 1 level supercomputer in your pocket and changed communications & computing forever.

Uber’s convenience tech, by disrupting both taxis & personal transportation, is pioneering the on demand economy.

It’s game changing tech facilitates shopping or buying through the social platform itself, enabling you to gain from both your shopping and your social presence.
Have a look at the LifeOnIt.com official video.

Shopping, search and social baked in

Here’s your invitation to create your account.

A social network that gives control to its users and allows its users to shop while on the social network. Source: Facebook. Search for products.
Discover prices.
Shop, purchase, buy. #SocialShopping #eCommerce #SocialCommerce #eProcurement #SocialBuying #Buying #Purchasing

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