MovingWorlds: Unlocking the Power of Corporate-Social Enterprise Partnership

Social Enterprise Alliance
Social Enterprise Alliance
4 min readOct 31, 2023

Meet MovingWorlds, a social enterprise with a powerful mission — and an even more powerful strategy — to build a more equitable, just, and sustainable economy.

MovingWorlds connects social enterprises with corporations, pro bono professionals, and resources to deliver market-based solutions that move us toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this blog post, we highlight key insights from our podcast conversation with MovingWorlds Co-Founder and CEO Mark Horoszowski and explore the transformative potential of corporate-social enterprise partnerships.

Building a Better Future: MovingWorlds and the TRANSFORM Support Hub

At MovingWorlds, the mission is clear: accelerate progress toward a more just, sustainable, and equitable economy. MovingWorlds emphasizes the importance of investing in individuals — both those working in social enterprises worldwide and professionals working within corporations — to drive the shift. Social enterprises, in his view, serve as models for the future of the economy. The organization’s strategy is to support individual social enterprises in scaling up their operations, expanding their networks, and connecting with professionals worldwide eager to collaborate with them to expand their impact.

One of MovingWorlds’ exciting initiatives is the TRANSFORM Support Hub, a global acceleration platform for social enterprise. A partnership with corporations Unilever and SAP, this hub helps equip social enterprises with vital skills to scale their businesses, grow their customer base, and expand their impact.

The Power of Social Enterprises in Influencing Corporations

One question that often arises is what lessons corporations can learn from social enterprises and how working with social enterprises can influence the way corporations do business. Corporations are typically driven by the fundamentals of capitalism: consistently increasing bottom-line revenue, tightly managing costs, and ensuring their sustainability. To justify their investment in social enterprise partnerships, most corporations must see a tangible benefit to their business.

MovingWorlds identifies five key ways corporations benefit from engaging with the social sector:

  1. Uncovering New Market Opportunities: Social enterprises can help corporations tap into new customer segments and markets, such as the ‘bottom of the pyramid,’ or, on the other end, appeal to customers who are willing to pay more for products that create a positive social impact.
  2. Innovating Products and Services: Social enterprises often offer innovative solutions that can lead to the development of new and improved products and services for corporations.
  3. Long-term Business Sustainability: Engaging with social enterprises positions corporations as leaders in sustainability, helping them not only meet their environmental and social responsibilities but also to foster innovation and drive positive change in their industries. This proactive involvement with social enterprises can create a virtuous cycle of progress, benefiting both the company and the communities it serves.
  4. Managing Costs and Risks: Social enterprises provide solutions for controlling costs, reducing risk, and improving supply chain resilience that corporations can learn from and begin to emulate.
  5. Strengthening Stakeholder Relationships: Corporations can enhance their relationships with governments and stakeholders by partnering with social enterprises that prioritize social and environmental responsibility.

How Social Enterprises Help Corporations Adopt Sustainability Solutions

A simple cup of coffee involves a complex value chain, with numerous challenges at every stage. Social enterprises like Vega Coffee are revolutionizing this chain by educating farmers to roast their coffee beans at origin, bypassing several intermediaries. This not only benefits farmers but also reduces carbon emissions in the process.

Another social enterprise, Arqlite, tackles the plastic waste issue. By transforming plastic waste into reusable materials, they provide a sustainable solution that corporations can incorporate into their products, reducing their environmental impact.

Meridia, a data-as-a-service company, fulfilled a vital role in the burgeoning social economy by enabling corporations to verify the authenticity of the ingredients in their supply chains, fostering transparency and ethical sourcing, and helping smallholder farmers access global markets.

Collaborative Learning and Growth

The importance of collaboration among social enterprises, even when they appear to compete, is critical. When companies can learn from each other and align around shared goals it can transform industries like the coffee trade and set new standards for global business practices.

Organizations like The Social Enterprise Alliance play a crucial role in fostering these alliances and promoting shared learning. There is a vital need to educate leaders and individuals inside corporations about the potential of social enterprise partnerships to drive innovation and positive change. By raising awareness, providing education, and offering practical guidance, we help corporations to not only fulfill their corporate social responsibility but also drive innovation and positive change within their industries.

Preparing Social Enterprises for Corporate Partnerships

To prepare for successful corporate partnerships, social enterprises need to navigate various operational and compliance challenges. This includes understanding procurement processes, legal requirements, data privacy regulations, and reporting standards.

MovingWorlds provides valuable resources to social enterprises through the TRANSFORM Support Hub. Social enterprises can access cost-saving guides, peer guidance, coaching, and an international network of skilled professionals who volunteer their expertise. Additionally, MovingWorlds offers community events and newsletters to celebrate social enterprise wins.

A Brighter Future Through Collaboration

The transformative potential of corporate-social enterprise partnerships is only getting more significant. By aligning corporate goals with social impact, corporations can create lasting societal change while boosting their business sustainability. Social enterprises, with their innovative solutions and commitment to social and environmental responsibility, offer valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration.

As we look ahead, the path to a more equitable, just, and sustainable economy becomes clearer. It is a path where corporations and social enterprises work hand in hand, driving innovation, growth, and positive change. To learn more about MovingWorlds and access their resources, visit their website and take the first step toward a brighter future through collaboration.

MovingWorlds is an SEA member and partner company.



Social Enterprise Alliance
Social Enterprise Alliance

Social Enterprise Alliance is the champion and key catalyst for the development of the social enterprise sector in the United States.