5 ways to help the most vulnerable


Every day we engage with some of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs and innovators through the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship community.

The community includes approximately 400 social entrepreneurs and innovators, operating in 190 countries, who have impacted the lives of 622 million people and counting by distributing loans and services, mitigating CO2, improving access to education and energy, and driving social inclusion for people with disabilities, the homeless and refugees.

And now, in the COVID-19 pandemic, this community is responding in incredible ways, specifically to the needs of those who governments or the market are unable to account for: the excluded, marginalized, and vulnerable populations.

However, the work has been seriously hindered due to the lack of adequate technical support, financial resources, and access to partnerships during the crisis.

When we share the unique challenges these social innovators face, the most common question in response is, How can I help them?

Here are five ways to help the World Economic Forum social innovator community, right now — and in turn, help the world’s most vulnerable get through the pandemic.

1. Feed the hungry

Human Nature is a for-profit business with three social goals: strengthening the Filipino economy, creating a new middle class from the poor, and caring for the environment.

Human Nature has produced a truly Filipino brand by formulating and marketing personal and home care products made with local and natural raw materials and free from harmful chemicals. To support farmers, the company works with community cooperatives and provides training, equipment, and a market for high-value crops such as citronella, lemongrass, virgin coconut oil, and cocoa nectar.

Human Nature

Goodness Rising is the company’s collective effort to feed the hungry in the Philippines. For less than $7, you can provide food packages to feed a family of five or six.

2. Improve access to water

Water For People is a global non-profit working in nine countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia to develop sustainable water and sanitation services. COVID-19 has highlighted the need for easy access to water and sanitation services more than ever before, and yet more than half of the world does not have access to safe sanitation services.

Water for People

You can help provide water and sanitation services to those without them by volunteering virtually to help Water For People with outreach, fundraising, and advocacy.

3. Keep children reading and learning

COVID-19 has created a global education crisis. More than 1.3 billion children and youth have been impacted by school closures. Distance learning is the best chance children and youth have to mitigate learning losses during this pandemic.


Worldreader uses low-cost technology, such as e-readers and mobile phones, to offer more than 42,000 digital books from over 400 publishers in 43 languages — including Kiswahili, Hausa, Afrikaans, and English — contributing to local heritage and identity. Donate here.

First Book

However, millions of children in low-income communities may not have the technological resources to access e-books. This where First Book can play a key role. A non-profit social enterprise, First Book uses market forces to address the systemic barriers to quality education for children in need. First Book provides access to new books and resources for kids who need them most, helping fuel a love of reading and learning. Every $3 donated = one new book (including the cost of shipping) to a child in need. Support them here.

4. Watch football to help the homeless

Homeless World Cup, a social sports organization established specifically to tackle homelessness and poverty through football and street soccer worldwide, has lifted 1.2 million people out of homelessness and established 74 partner organizations around the globe.

During the pandemic, their work has become even more instrumental as homeless people are one of the groups at greatest risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19. Help Homeless World Cup by donating, fundraising and shopping, and tune in to the virtual Homeless World Cup on 5 July.

Homeless World Cup

5. Text people to ensure their mental health and wellbeing

Among the many global health, economic and societal disruptions, coronavirus has forced millions to physically isolate. Combine that with extensive news coverage on the pandemic and the unknown future, and it’s no surprise anxiety is on the rise.

Crisis Text Line is a free 24/7 text hotline for people in crisis. The service is powered by volunteer crisis counselors who work remotely, anywhere with a computer and secure internet connection. Crisis counselors answer texts from people in crisis, calming them with active listening, collaborative problem solving, and safety planning. Learn more about how to volunteer as a crisis counselor, and read this expert guide on how to manage mental health and wellbeing.

Crisis Text Line

Social innovators, disruptors in the service of others, need your support more than ever before. For more information or to help our social innovator community, get in touch with the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

