Lynne Wintergerst
Social Futures
Published in
1 min readNov 22, 2018


True Identity and Facades

How important it is that we discard the facades that we carry around and get in touch with our unique eternal identity. And how important it is that we call out the true identity in others, especially children. If I forget myself I fall into fear or pride or some other alien desperation and my destiny journey becomes paralysed. Children forget how precious they are to us when we forget to nurture their innate uniqueness and greatness.

Another Greens Party candidate has fallen off the ballot paper and it appears that his bad behaviour is flagged from posts on FB when he was 12 or 13! What sort of society lets our children build false identities that are destructive to Self and to society itself? Victorian primary schools teach about diversity as a means to promoting respect and honour. But diversity is so much more than race and sexual orientation – diversity is each person’s eternal uniqueness and should be celebrated in every healthy pocket of society beginning in the family. We need to start calling out greatness in each other and stop following the bad role models that proliferate our Australian political leadership. Bullies and Braggarts are loud but they make very bad Pipers.

