7 Ways Content Marketing Positively Impacts Business

Social INK
Social INK
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2019

Content marketing is a great way to drive traffic to your website and improve conversion rates. In fact, there are numerous ways content marketing positively impacts business. To begin with, it helps increase brand awareness and familiarity among consumers. Likewise, it can be used to educate and inform potential customers and build trust in your brand.

Yes, these days it’s a term that’s tossed about quite freely and loosely. It’s either evangelised or vilified. Think what you like. When you search for ‘content marketing’ you’ll receive billions of results. And with good reason.

It’s a powerful inbound marketing strategy that is proven to reach and engage your target audience.

But, beyond the obvious advantages, let’s explore seven key ways content marketing positively impacts business worldwide. And, more importantly, how you too can make it work for your brand straightaway.

1. Content Marketing is Proven to Positively Impact Your Bottom Line

In fact, we’ll go one further. It’s by far the most cost-effective marketing method available to businesses today. Firstly, with very low (almost negligible) barriers to entry, it’s very easy for you to get started. For example, a blog on your company website. Or a smartphone and a YouTube account. That’s all you really need to get going. Naturally, you’ll need to make time to create the content too.

There’s been a seismic shift in the way people respond to advertising. Consumers are tired of traditional advertising methods. They’re attuned to “salesy” tactics and filter them out. Now it’s all about the value add. How are they benefitting from what businesses are sharing? What needs are brands gratifying? Are they providing entertainment or information? Does their association with a brand align with their personal identity?

The good news is this. Traditional advertising can be costly and a bit hit-and-miss when it comes to ROI or even measuring results. However, the opposite is true when it comes to creating and sharing digital content.

A good content strategy will reduce your marketing spend on engaging leads and customers. In fact, content marketing generates over three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less.

In other words, this is good news for your bottom line. And just one of the ways content marketing positively impacts business.

2. Content Marketing Is for Everyone and Every Business

It doesn’t matter what sector you’re in. Whatever your industry, whatever your business, you can create content.

Both B2B and B2C businesses benefit from content creation in various ways. So, find the right topics (Top Tip: Answer your customers’ questions). Decide on the best content format to deliver that message. Soon, you’ll be onto a winner.

The reason you’re in business is you have something of value to share with consumers in your particular niche. A product, service, or expert industry knowledge. Of course, you know your business and your industry. Use this to your advantage. Become a valuable source of insight, information, and entertainment for your customers. It’s one of the easiest ways content marketing positively impacts business.

3. Good Content Keeps Positively Impacting Traffic in Many Ways Long After Being Published

Just make sure you focus on topics that will always be relevant to your target audience.

1 in 10 blogs are compounding and 38% of total blog traffic is generated by compounding posts. In other words, high-performing blogs continue to drive traffic to your website long after they’re published. Call this evergreen content or cornerstone content. Call it whatever you like. Over time, good content will give you some serious ROI. In general, a blog remains one of the best ways content marketing positively impacts business.

4. Topical Content Attracts Qualified Leads to Your Business

It might seem obvious but, creating and sharing content that is relevant to your business will attract qualified leads to your website.

Qualified leads are people with an interest in your products or services. That is to say, content that focuses on themes relevant to your offering will attract people who are already searching for those terms. As a result, this targeted and relevant traffic is more likely to translate into qualified potential customers.

Once you have their attention, you can lead them through your funnel and convert them.

5. Allow People Time to Browse Your Content Before They Buy

Now, consider the high street retail experience. How often do people just pop to the shops to have a bit of a browse?

This type of activity is more than just time-filling consumer behaviour. ‘Browsers’ are on a fact-finding mission. They are potential customers, scoping you out. Checking what’s on offer. Figuring out whether they like you and your product or service enough to pay you for it.

It’s important to think about your content in this way.

See content marketing as an opportunity to start conversations with prospects. Forge a relationship before making the sales pitch. In effect, it’s a means to convince and convert.

More than half (51%) of B2B buyers rely on content to research their buying decisions, opting for shorter, interactive content that educates rather than sells.

This is your chance to make a good impression. So start crafting quality content. Position your brand as the solution to your target audience’s needs.

6. The More Content You Have, the Longer They’ll Stay

It’s important to build up a wealth of varied content that interlinks across your website. Then make sure you share it across your various channels (think email and social). Doing so provides multiple touch points for the consumer to engage with you. It also helps you move people through your funnel.

Provide your customers with multiple opportunities to engage with you in different ways. Encourage visitors to your website to hang around and check out more of your content. Make suggestions and link to other relevant pieces related to the one they landed on. Chances are, if they like what you have to say, they’ll hang about and browse through your archive.

Your aim is to make visitors to your website feel engaged, entertained, and educated. If you get them to the point where they fully understand the value that your brand can provide, they’ll be more likely to make that purchase. And return for more.

7. Share Your Content Everywhere!

Following on from our previous point, if you’ve created something your customers will value, don’t keep quiet about it.

Shout it from the rooftops.

Or, at least, share it profusely across your social media channels. And via your email lists and newsletters.

This is why it’s important to maintain a regular blog and an active social media presence.

The beauty of digital content is that it’s so very easy to share. Social media platforms encourage liking and sharing. This increases your brand’s visibility on those platforms. And drives people to your website.

Even better. Established, loyal customers turned brand advocates can copy and share links via various messaging services. Email newsletters are easy to forward on. All bringing you unexpected customers.

The more you share your content across your various channels, the more social media traffic you can generate. Social media marketing is a great way to reach and engage new audiences, while still nurturing and strengthening your relationships with your current customers.

With so many positive benefits to enjoy, you can see why content marketing is proving to be a powerful, popular, and enduring strategy for brands today.

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Social INK
Social INK

Social INK is a distributed agency specialising in marketing blockchain projects. We turn hype into results and build communities that businesses can thrive on.