10 ways to support coronavirus relief in Japan

COVID-19 is impacting communities across Japan. Here’s how you can support those who are most affected and vulnerable.

Robin Lewis
Social Innovation Japan
5 min readApr 12, 2020


10 ways to donate to coronavirus relief in Japan

Along with much of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to wreak havoc in Japan. The healthcare system may soon be tested to its limits, and there will likely be serious implications for the country’s economic and social welfare.

As with any large-scale disaster, it’s often the most vulnerable who are disproportionately affected; whether it be loss of income, food insecurity, or gender-based violence, there are many people in a tough situation right now as we try and quell the spread of the virus.

As a former humanitarian aid worker, people have been reaching out asking if I know of any ways to donate or support frontline workers here in Japan.

Without a doubt, the most impactful thing we can do now is to stay at home to flatten the curve — but if you also want to support some worthy projects while you’re hunkering down, here’s a list of initiatives on the front lines.

*These projects specifically focus on Japan — I’ll be updating these as much as possible over the coming weeks.

Room For Rescue

Room For Rescue crowdfunding project by Kaname Inn

Kaname Inn has set up a crowdfunding project to support international travellers stranded in Japan by COVID-19. See their crowdfunding page for more (in English and Japanese).

NPO Florence

NPO Florence coronavirus emergency response to support children and parents affected by COVID-19

NPO Florence is supporting children and parents affected by the pandemic, including those with disabilities, single-parent households and those facing economic difficulties. See their website for more information and to donate.

Peace Winds Japan

Peace Winds Japan emergency response post-COVID-19 in Japan and abroad

Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) is a nonprofit organisation specialising in humanitarian emergencies. Since the outbreak, the organisation has been supplying frontline medical workers and vulnerable groups with masks, providing equipment to hospitals and supporting other essential services. See their website for more or donate via their Yahoo page.


ReadyFor crowdfunding for coronavirus relief

A team of experts has set up a campaign on the popular crowdfunding site ReadyFor to stop the spread of coronavirus in Japan. The fund provides emergency grants to individuals, organisations, businesses, medical institutions and local governments. See here for more.

The Big Issue

Big Issue Japan 3-month Package to support the homeless during coronavirus pandemic

The Big Issue Japan — providing job support to homeless people — has set up a mail-order system whereby readers can order 6 issues at once to support the homeless during this difficult time. Given that many people are staying at home, this is impacting the livelihoods and wellbeing of the “licensed vendors” who can often be seen selling their wares on the street.

Katariba Online

Katariba Online is an online service for children to learn during school closures

In response to the closure of schools due to COVID-19, NPO Katariba has started “Katariba Online”, an online educational service for students to learn while interacting with one other. See their website for more.

Kids Door Fund

Kids Door Fund collecting donations to support children-focused orgsanisations in Japan

Kids Door Fund is collecting donations during the pandemic to disburse to Japanese organizations providing educational programs, accommodation, child-focused cafeterias and other services to children in need.


Crowdfunding platform Campfire supporting those affected by COVID-19

Another popular crowdfunding platform Campfire has set up a special channel for artists, restaurants, lodging facilities and other businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19, and have waived their service fee.

Good Neighbours Japan

Good Neighbours Japan (GNJ) coronavirus response food distribution to single-parent families

Good Neighbours Japan (GNJ) is distributing food to single-parent families who are financially disadvantaged and affected by the temporary closure of schools due to pandemic. See their website or their Yahoo page to donate.

Second Harvest Japan

Second Harvest Japan provides essential food support

Japan’s leading food bank provides food supplies to many of the organisations on the front lines of the pandemic. The nonprofit organisation also provides direct services to those in need through hot meal programs and food pantries. See their website here for more and to donate.


Providing services to distressed women during the coronavirus pandemic

Colabo provides women in distress with consultation services, shelter, food, and other lifelines. The organisation has increased its emergency shelter capacity during the pandemic to accommodate women experiencing domestic violence and other hardships. See their website here for more and to donate.

Support Affected Businesses

There are a number of initiatives to help shift stock and sell items from businesses that are seeing revenues plunge since the outbreak began. See this Facebook group, for example, which connects producers affected by COVID-19 with customers to boost revenues and reduce waste. Of course, you can also support family-run businesses and SMEs in your local area too :)

Thanks for reading, and please stay safe out there! If there are any other initiatives that you’d recommend, feel free to comment below. If you’re interested in social impact in Japan, you can see some of my other posts here:

- 25 Opportunities For Volunteering and Social Good in Japan
5 social businesses in Japan changing the way we “do good”
Sanpo Yoshi: the Japanese business principle of success through responsibility



Robin Lewis
Social Innovation Japan

Co-founder @ mymizu | Co-founder @ Social Innovation Japan | Walking 1,000+km @ Michinoku Trail | Social Business, Social Innovation, Sustainability, Japan