A Different Kind of Cruelty

Claire Boyce
Social Jogi
Published in
Jan 6, 2021
Prawny / 3199 images

On a short walk to the grocery store
You chanced upon a sight most rare
That’s seldom found here, anymore,
Uncommon for a city square.
Your eyes alighted on top-tree
And as you squinted, you could see,

A valiant Hawk, stately sitting,
And from his talons, feathers fell.
Poor thing, now poultry, unwitting -
And Hawk as lion chased gazelle.
His steel-trap eyes pinpointed prey,
Now closed, and down-fuzz blows away.

Is Hawk cruel, as first glance implies?
Can we, as humans, judgment pass?
We Prey on others, I surmise,
To maintain a certain social class.
Is nature brutal, or is man?
A question burns since time began.

Like avid Hawk, we must survive
We crunch bones underfoot, sometimes.
Hawk innocently hunts to thrive
While men, needless, commit their crimes.
Incarnation, itself, is cruel.
But Hawk kills to live; man, to rule.



Claire Boyce
Social Jogi

Claire Boyce is a writer, poet, and visual artist who revels in the way her soul dances as she embarks upon myriad creative endeavors.