Getting back to Writing

Ash C
Social Jogi
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2021

Growing up, English was my favorite subject at school. I loved reading stories, poems, and dramas so much that I would read up on all the stories in my school textbook the day they were bought. You must be thinking, such a typical nerd, right?

But it’s true. I was a nerd before being a nerd became cool. But we shall save that for some other time.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

My teachers loved reading my assignment essays and letters as much as I devoured reading stories. Needless to say, I always had excellent marks in English, right until twelfth grade.

But as it happens, introverts are always forced to open up. How else will they make their way in the world? Would anybody take them seriously? After all, communication is key, and so on and so forth. And so, with those thoughts tumbling away in my head, I looked up from the novel I was reading at that time and moved on to the podium.

Photo by Elijah Ekdahl on Unsplash

I learned I had an affinity towards the stage as well. I loved anchoring for events, the quiet tense atmosphere before an inter-department presentation, the hostility at debates, the sweat and effort, and of course, research that went behind a perfect group presentation, the nervousness, I loved it all. Like a fish in the big blue world, I drank it all in.

And then it was summer. I was about to graduate. Ah, the glorious freedom of being able to throw your cap in the air!

Turns out, it wasn’t for me.

Came lockdown, and suddenly it wasn’t important to be an extrovert anymore. And like the inevitable winter creeping in, I settled down to hibernate too. But after about two months or so, it didn’t feel right.

“The days are too long, too similar” I complained to a friend of mine. How much Netflix-ing, video calls, scrolling through Instagram, and baking could you possibly do?

“There’s a bright spot in every dark cloud”

— Bruce Beresford

And then, I discovered Medium. And just like that, I was reading again. The real stuff. The stuff that was happening around us, tips, tricks, productivity techniques, and life-altering stories — I was fascinated. And I was taking life, reading one post after the other.

But, I realized, it’s time to get back to writing too. The best of skills get rusty if not used, and writing is no different.

And this time, I am going to try to be consistent. And it starts with this story on the 1st of June 2021 i.e. today. I intend to do a 30-day challenge, no matter how many deadlines, assignments, and classes, come what may.

Let’s do this!

PS: Wish me luck!

