Life is Easy, but Living is Complicated

Participate. Evolve. Become.

Social Jogi
2 min readJun 3, 2021


Photo by Rangga Cahya Nugraha on Unsplash

I usually have these flash moments, multiple times daily where I probe my existence. I just sit and evaluate everything around trying to make sense of them all: the work, emotions, people, obstacles, and achievements leading to that moment in time. I absorb, reflect, love, hate, and quickly forget them all. Rinse and repeat.

Life is not a bed of roses. It is a thorn-filled entity, where finding a rose could be the highlight of one’s time on earth. It is for this reason that I don’t argue against religion or astrology. They do not provide realistic information about people, behavior, motivation, etc. I prefer to tinker with philosophy but I’d still be careful to avoid any concept that intersects with either religion or astrology. Limiting the mind to believe in divinities or celestial bodies is not something I’d exclusively subscribe to. I want to live curiously and die intelligent. The earth is fated to outlast humanity so there’s no urgency to discover all of life’s mysteries. One day at a time.

Humans are inclined towards believing that the world could be ‘Eldorado’ where good is in abundance and bad cease to exist. Maybe it’s our genetic code speaking or some ancient extreme thinking where the living sought to eradicate negativity by preaching love and light. Whatever it was/is, evil must exist for good to prevail. While I understand the need to preach kindness and empathy, we should also recognize the bad in society and normalize having discussions around this phenomenon. You cannot tackle what you do not acknowledge.

On a lighter note, seeing the world for what it truly is, instead of black or white, is a skill, not many possess. Life is complicated with lots of greys. Knowing this, one can easily switch moods. In many cases, it could be the difference between triumph and depression. It is a combination of all our highs and lows, garnished with varying emotions. It is not a lot of fun but could be, due to unpredictable outcomes. It is the end of the beginning, the moment of truth.



Social Jogi

I am not a Writer, I come here to read and rant.