Outside My Window

Ash C
Social Jogi
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2021
The view outside my window (1/3)

Aug 7, 2020 — I’m writing this, confined within four walls. Stuck at home, I’m able to see a few trees and a piece of the grey cloudy sky between buildings through my window.

But this window has been a breath of fresh air in the last few months — my only connection to nature and the external world. I go there every half hour just to watch the time go by and the magic of changing lights.

I’ve had to reinvent my life and find ways to survive and stay healthy — mentally and physically — during the quarantine.

I wonder how many of us had to completely change plans due to the pandemic?

The view outside my window (2/3)

Aug 14, 2020 — I’m writing this, confined within four walls. Stuck at home, I’m able to see a few trees and a piece of the grey cloudy sky between buildings through my window.

But this window has been a breath of fresh air in the last few months — my only connection to nature and the external world. I go there every half hour just to watch the time go by and the magic of changing lights.

I’ve had to reinvent my life and find ways to survive and stay healthy — mentally and physically — during the quarantine.

I wonder how many of us had to completely change plans due to the pandemic?

The view outside my window (3/3)

Aug 23, 2020 — I have been watching that taxi every day. Hundreds of cars go zooming by every day, but that taxi stays right there. It is a little like how I am right now — stable, unmoving, still.

Among all these musings, one of the most important for me was thinking about how I spend my time. It goes by fast and doesn’t come back. Every second we spend angry, bored in front of a digital screen, or lost in something we don’t really want to be doing, is a second less to follow our dreams, to have new experiences, to stay with whom we wish to stay.

Hopefully next summer, we will be able to rebuild our plans to meet friends and travel. Till then, video calls will have to do.

