The f(ph)ase of depression

Blank Voice
Social Jogi
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2021
Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

It’s completely dark. How did I get here? What is this place? Where are the others? Why am I alone here?

The last thing I remember was I in my dorm sipping a shot of Irish whiskey; I think it was Knappogue Castle, a tad classy one with my supper. It was the day of my Doctoral Graduation; I decided to celebrate it alone (‘coz I don’t have anyone to celebrate victories with). Everyone left congratulatory words slipped through their mouth into my ears with a vague handshake and useless bouquets. I was exhausted by the white lies.

But…but… but, how did I end up here? Who brought me in?

“Hello! Anyone here…?” I tried to speak up. However, my words stuck inside my throat. I

I cannot see anything around me… I think it is a forest or maybe a garden… I hear leaves waving and squeaking with the wind.

Suddenly I hear a scream I was not sure whether it was an animal and I hear footsteps approaching me. I got scared and started running. I do not know where. I cannot see anything nor think about what is happening. I was just running aimlessly.

I can hear my heart pounding. I was sweating yet I keep running and running and running tirelessly.

At a point, I hit myself on something like a silky cloth kind of thing and fell down on the ground. When I realized it was some person wearing a dark silky robe I was held violently at my throat; choking me. I tried getting out the grip, the hand was so strong. I feel my breath slowing down but I was trying so hard to get out of it and to see who is clutching me. I could not.

I feel my breath slowing down. Eye closing hastily, giving up…,

Now I could see the face. I grinned and felt my last gasp of air

It was….

It was…

It was ME

