Write For Social Jogi

Social Jogi
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2020


Illustration by Seemi

The concept of learning about new things every day made me create this publication. Jogi is a Hindi word that means a Fakir or a mystic. A Jogi travels through the world to gain wisdom and knowledge.

In this era of the internet and social media, we are just one click away from people all around the world. Knowing others and their lifestyle, culture, and traditions, is very easy now. That’s why the name of this publication is Social Jogi.

If you are a wanderer who has many stories to tell, then you’re welcome to be part of the Jogi tribe. There are simple guidelines for writers.

1: Only submit a draft, already published stories will not be accepted.

2: Check spelling and grammar carefully before submitting your draft.

3: Hate-speech, racism, sexism, and abusive content will not be accepted.

4: Any article with a How-to-make-money theme will be rejected.

5: Submit only one story at a time.

The theme of Social Jogi is writings that you have experienced in life. Not some formula listicles. That’s all. I am mostly handpicking the writers suitable for Social Jogi and sending them invites personally but obviously it is not possible to reach everyone, so if you think you would like to be a part of a storytelling platform then comment…

