The Just World Fallacy and Glocks

Anna Varinsky
Social Justice Cafe
2 min readMay 25, 2022

So here we go again. Another horrific shooting. Children murdered. Families devastated. People online and off turning to one another wondering how in the world this can continue to happen.

I will tell you one reason it continues to happen. It’s because many people in this country still believe that we don’t have the right to stop it. Things happen for a reason, they’ll say. Yes, even these incidents. This is a just world and God has a plan.

Really??? What if I told you that any God that allowed these things to happen cannot be a loving God. What if the gun lobby uses your faith in a just world to allow this madness to continue? What if, instead of seeing yourself as a sinful wretch you realized you are simply a flawed human being in a world that is unjust?

You see, belief in a just world means people can look at all manner of injustice and see it as justice or at least as not their job to change anything. At times believing in a just world means that nothing that benefits them has to change. Ask yourself who benefits from the recurring horror of school shootings and then I invite you to question your just world/everything happens for a reason thinking.

Perhaps together we can offer the victims of these seemingly never ending tragedies something more than our thoughts and prayers; we can offer them change, healing and REAL justice.



Anna Varinsky
Social Justice Cafe

I write about social justice, , the arts, psychology, neuroscience, and tech, all through the lens of secular humanism and existentialism.