And the verdict is … Pinterest works

Daniela Lazovska
3 min readApr 1, 2014


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.

Pinterest is under arrest!

Months later: The Trial

Courtroom, judge and jury.

Some business owners — the prosecutor.

Pinterest accused.

  • Pinterest is just for women!
  • It doesn’t work for marketing!
  • Pinterest is not the place to be if you are not a visual business!

What’s my role here? I am the defense. And I say: It WORKS 100% but …

You could sense that BUT coming, right?

Pinterest WORKS if and only if done right.

People screaming. I had a hard time hearing that the judge was saying: “Order in the courtroom, please!”

Objection, your honor!”

Objection overruled!”

Objection sustained!”

Judge: “How do you plead?”

Pinterest: “ Not guilty, your honor. I do my best:

  • They can leverage the power of visual content.
  • I try to drive more traffic to their websites and blogs,
  • Help them increase brand awareness,
  • Create greater exposure for their businesses,
  • Improve SEO,
  • I’m making their content live longer,
  • They can take advantage of the group boards to promote their content,
  • They can build credibility and relationships with their followers and potential customers,
  • I boost sales,
  • I educate and entertain.

Nothing but complaints for 3 whole years - Pinterest doesn’t work, Pinterest this, Pinterest that …

After all the evidence has been presented and summed up in court, the judge asked the jury to retire to the jury room to consider their verdict.

Time to announce the verdict … Ready?

And the verdict is PINTEREST is NOT guilty ! PINTEREST WORKS! Be patient and give it time! And of course do it right!


You can jump on Pinterest and start thinking how it can work for your business or you can wait more businesses to join and observe! What’s your choice? Will you join or will you keep watching others’ success?

I’ll be writing a lot on this topic, in case you want to know how the trial went, about collecting the evidence. You can keep me company and support Pinterest in this trial. This is just the beginning. The accused will be the main character and together we will try to prove to the skeptic marketing world and all the business owners out there that they are wrong, that they should give Pinterest a chance.

Face it, Pinterest is here to stay!



Daniela Lazovska

I design customer experiences that clone clients | On a mission to convince all sceptics that CX & WOM combined with content will grow your business in no time