Anxiety: What it is. What to do.

Definitions, solutions, and thoughts regarding anxiety in our society.

Kevin Day
Social Media as News COD


According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, also know as the ADAA, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States, age 18 and older, or 18.1 % of the population every year. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable. However, only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment. The variations of anxiety as determined by the ADAA include: generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, specific phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This infographic explains the five types of anxiety disorders. By providing the public with a description of each disorder, I am able to ensure a better understanding of the feelings, behaviors, and thoughts that are associated with each disorder.

This pie chart illustrates the severity and seriousness that anxiety holds on our population. You will notice there are different types of disorders and the number of people that suffer from them. I personally thought most people would suffer from generalized anxiety disorder. However, it turns out that panic disorder has three million more cases a year. I truly believe that everyone should know how significant anxiety is and that it is a real disorder.

People suffer from this disorder everyday.

When I was thinking about how to create a meme on anxiety, I thought about how I personally feel when I have anxiety. I feel lost; scared.

Maybe you do too?

So, I created two memes that represent this.

When I was creating a meme for anxiety, I feel that people should know that anxiety gives you a sense of feeling like your thoughts are scrambled.

Maybe you do too?

So, created a scrambled thoughts meme.

This Podcast interviews a classmate who gives me his own opinion of what anxiety is. He also explains that he was diagnosed with social anxiety. Then he talks about the road blocks that and faced and how he overcame them. He finishes up with explaining how he chose to take natural treatment over unnatural because of seeing family suffer from addiction.

Maybe you wanna know what it’s like to live with anxiety?

I personally decided to take the natural treatments over the unnatural to treat my anxiety. I feel that people should be informed on how to make certain foods that will minimize their anxiety symptoms naturally.

Maybe you want to try the natural remedies?

I decided to switch up my diet to avoid unwanted stress. I came across this great video which explains the unnatural foods that cause anxiety and how to replace them with foods that will decrease your anxiety.

Maybe you want to eat more natural foods?

I created this power point to educate the people on anxiety and inform them on why taking the natural way is more positive then the unnatural way and explain how personally I took the natural way and how its been a great solution to relieving my anxiety.

Feel free to use it and comment.

I decided to create a video on yoga because I personally have chosen the natural way of relieving my anxiety through yoga. I want to educate the people on how yoga relieves stress and how it helps reduce anxiety. I had the pleasure of interviewing a certified yoga instructor. Rachel, has over 300 hours of yoga teacher training knowledge. She also is in the process of opening her own yoga studio.

Feel free to comment if you you have any questions for Rachel.

After defining anxiety and the symptoms that are associated with each diagnoses I hope the people have a better under standing that taking the natural way vs medications and hours of expensive therapy is much more beneficial to your well being, health, and happiness.

I personally recommend all the solutions that I have posted and I strongly stand behind all of them. Just remember for all those that are suffering, please just remember to stay strong and I can guarantee that you will find a solution to help relieve your anxiety.

