COVID-19: The good and the bad

Karla Villegas
Social Media as News COD
2 min readMar 28, 2020

During the pandemic that is COVID-19, humanity has shown us nearly every attitude. Amidst apathy, frustration, and fear, here is just a glimpse of the highs and lows mankind has shown in the past week.

It’s always inspiring to see companies support first responders, but for me, the ones supporting healthcare providers hit close to home. My sister is a nurse at a Chicago hospital and is currently working with COVID-19 patients. While I worry about her safety during this time, it’s comforting to know that she’s being openly appreciated by not only the patients but also big companies.
Crocs, Dunkin, and Krispy Kreme are just a few of the companies that are supporting healthcare providers with freebies such as shoes, coffee, and donuts. In a time where there seems to be a lot of conflict between the working people and big industries, the fact these companies can look past that and support the people on the frontline of this pandemic is inspiring.

A strong negative of this pandemic is that it’s very evident who is selfish and who isn’t. This man has an empty hospital that he isn’t offering for COVID-19 patients. In my mind, it’s hard to justify an action like this. $1 million a month may cover a part of a hospital’s expenses, but he’s asking this as a rent. What else is he going to do with this building?

With the situation aside, we also see a lot of people grabbing onto the negatives and making these people’s reputations spiral out. Whether it’s justified is a different question, but seeing people fixate on the ugly side of humanity, in general, is very saddening. Rhetoric like this divides us as a people, and we need to be united — standing six feet apart — in a situation like this.

via Trauma Informed Parent on Facebook.

I’ve seen an influx of graphics like these going around Facebook and Instagram. I know this situation can provide a lot of stress for everyone right now, but if we can manage to stick together as a people, I believe we’ll emerge more compassionate and kind than before. Because of this, I’ve included this graphic for anyone that may need it.

