Gun Safety in the Home

Kyle Robert Dearborn
Social Media as News COD
2 min readDec 14, 2016

Guns in America is a very hot topic, sparking fiery debates between friends and family, but it is a conversation that should happen. Gun violence runs through the cities and every year people are needlessly killed. Opinions vary from the hard gun rights stance to the complete disarmament of American citizens.

I wasn’t sure exactly where to go with this project, being that it can cover so much. Not until I found out that my sister, a mother, purchased a handgun as a means of self defense did I decide on where to focus my efforts.

Guns in the home. There are millions of homes with guns and every year children find a way to get their hands on them. Innocent curiosity and play can turn deadly when guns are carelessly left unsecured. No matter how diehard a gun advocate you are, no one wants to see a child killed from playing with guns.

Unsupervised kids will get themselves into trouble.

America is a land of guns, over 300 million. Many people you may not even suspect have a gun in their home. Always teach your kids what to do if they see a gun. Talk to parents and make sure that if they have a gun in the house that it is stored properly before you allow your child to go into the home.

A brand new gun owner and a long time gun owner, let’s hear what they have to say in this podcast.

No matter how much you teach your child, remember, they are young and impulsive. They WILL play with things, including a gun they may find. Always keep a gun stored securely. The following video is a 20/20 exclusive hidden camera story.

This second video is an ABC story. It looks at the trend of kids learning about guns and how to shoot.

This third video is produced by me and stars some friends and family, and a very angry person. Parents need to secure their guns and if they forget, well…they may get a special visit.

This is a quick information guide for children when they see a gun.

