Kardashian V. Swift: Needless Distraction or Attempted Philanthropic Effort?

Hayley DeSilva
2 min readMar 28, 2020


In the past week, I’ve seen several people online discuss how they’re trying to remain some sense of calm in light of quarantine, a failing economy, and everything else COVID 19 has thrown our way. One common tip I saw mentioned was “minimizing news intake” — and understandably so, as I’m sure if you were to turn on any news station, log into any social media site, or even check your email at this moment the only information you’d receive would be encircling the Coronavirus pandemic. For many, this influx of stressful news has proved to be just that — stressful. It’s hard to imagine that any other kind of news would get through to the public, but mega stars Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift have proved that they’re still able to take at least a piece of the limelight. The two have had an ongoing feud regarding a song written by Kardashian’s rapper husband Kanye West, who Swift claims wrote deragatory lyrics about her without her permission. The story first made headlines a few years back, and has found it’s way back to tabloids after a convicting audio clip was released showing that Swift may have been telling the truth all along. The story has received conflicting response, with many feeling the drama is distracting from the worldwide health pandemic that has been turning the entire Earth on its head. However, the article below shows how the attention might actually be helping those affected by the virus — with Swift encouraging those following the feud to donate to local food banks and shelters, as well as documenting the gross luxury of wealthy celebrities to focus on other matters besides the pandemic.

