The Bad

It’s sad to read that in this time of crisis, people are using the situation to their advantage. This story above discusses how people posed as the CDC saying they were testing for corona and then proceeded to rob innocent people. The reason I chose this story is because something very similar to this happened in my neighborhood. Although I didn’t witness it for myself, there was talk from my neighbors about seeing people walking around in hazmat suits stating they were part of the CDC and robbing houses.

There are so many scams out there, but taking it to this extreme is crossing a line. When so many people are already scared for their health and well-being, the last thing they should have to think about is being robbed. I think the reason it’s so easy for scammers to take advantage of people is because of social media. The way the news is talking about this virus is scaring lots of people and causing them to go into panic mode. If people took the time to find credible sources and didn’t jump to social media and use it as their only source of information, it would cause less panic and hopefully prevent some of these scams.

The Good

Yesterday while I was trying to cure my boredom from being stuck at home I stumbled across this video on YouTube and the title caught my attention. With all that’s going on in the world right now we could all use some positivity and that is exactly what the channel Yes Theory is doing. They are taking what could be a very boring quarantine and turning it into something fun by giving people the opportunity to show their talents and win some money.

These are challenging times and in their video they mentioned that “in previous times of global crisis and war we were able to lean on each other for camaraderie and support”. We aren’t able to do that today because we can’t physically come together, but their idea allows us to connect with one another without having to be in the same room and I think that’s amazing.

When there is lots of negative talk about this pandemic, it’s hard to see the good in the situation. Often times this negative thinking can cause depression and anxiety, but it’s important to remember that positivity can help us through. Instead of panicking, we need to be strong and support one another and that is exactly what the guys of Yes Theory are doing.

Looking for a way to connect with friends while staying at home? I found this google chrome extension called Netflix Party that allows you to watch Netflix movies with friends. Hope you enjoy!

