Social media effect on COVID-19 crisis

Kevin Ashley
Social Media as News COD
3 min readMar 28, 2020

Can people be trusted to do the right thing?

So first lets talk about the elephant in the room. Is voluntary social distancing working to stop the virus. The answer is no it is not. Primarily because it requires to many Americans be fairly uncomfortable for a long period of time. That is simple something a large number of American aren’t willing to accept. Especially since so many believe that the virus isn’t a big deal.

Now people believe that it isn’t a big deal because of the fact that social media and its ability to spread misinformation and propagate conspiracy theories have left millions of American misinformed and unaware. The reverse is also true social media has also been used in amazing way to help spread reliable information to millions of Americans.

Today we will be looking at how social media has been used for good and how it’s been used for bad. At end of the day this virus will play out in 1 of 4 ways and it’s really up to us to decide which one.


Since I painted such a cheering picture with my opening remarks lets focus on the bad for a little while longer. Social media has had a massive impact on the way that people view this virus. Just look at any twitter thread talking about COVID-19 and you will find half of the tweets supporting the experts and the other half calling them terrible people.

Photo by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash

The Twitter link above is to a article published by the Washington post talking about how if you get tested negative for the virus it doesn’t necessary mean you don’t have it. What need to be seen though is the thread of tweets under the article. It is swarmed with people who haven’t read it only the head and are saying that doctors don’t know what they are talking about, this virus will kill us all, or it is all a massive hoax.

Social media in this instance has been used as a means for the publication to try and spread information. However the headline was taken as the truth of the matter and used as a weapon to help spread misinformation. Although people should read the article they will only notice the headline and proceed from there causing even more problems.

This is how social media isn’t helping it is too easy for things to be taken out of context.


OK so after all that lets see what humanity and Americans in particular are doing to use social media to help each other.

I feel like what is needed in these very serious and upsetting times is some comedy here and there. On my many long hours on Youtube I found this video that lighten my mood.

Now the video was made before this all happened but he uploaded the clip a week ago. He is using media to help people laugh at this terrible situation we all share. The timing couldn’t have been better because I think we all need a laugh right now to help prepare for what is coming.

