The Importance in our World: Animal Conservation and Climate Change

Anisa Selenica
Social Media as News COD
3 min readDec 10, 2018

Animals, living organisms that feed on organic matter. They have been on the earth for over 500 millions years. Their importance in our world is greatly needed and it is not something we can ignore. As time continues to go on, the human race is destroying our planet almost everyday. We allow to let the earth suffer which results in animal endangerment, deforestation, letting higher leaderships to create their own rules, and being embedded in a society that ignore real issues.

The importance of animal conservation begins with the management and care that we bring to the animals. To ensure the healthy, genetically diverse populations with the help of programs such as the species survival plan. Most of the programs are used to enhance the population of animals through management strategies, planning tools, databases, software, and specialized centers. There are many ways to help protect our animals, those who keep us

The information and facts are in your hands right now, your phone is a great tool to help you get involved and educate yourself on issues we face today. I for one and many other people in the Chicagoland area are very lucky to live near great animal conservation institutions such as the Shedd Aquarium, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago Botanic Garden, and the Brookfield Zoo. I visited the Brookfield Zoo and I talked to one of the zoo keepers about how climate change is affecting Polar Bears and the issues that Orangutans are facing and what the zoo is doing to help these endangered species.

An issue that is also being ignored and poked fun at is climate change. Many people do not believe in climate change. Even our own current president stated he doesn’t believe in it. However, it is real! After taking office,he announced the USA would withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement. In which, 187 other countries agreed to take action and investing in reducing our Carbon. Climate change can only be stopped by making major costly world changes. By 2030, CO2 will be at its highest if we don’t reduce it by 45% in the coming years. This will result in rising or sea levels, ocean temperature, and the inability to grow our crops.

Topics: Animal Conservation and Climate Change

Do not remove yourself from situations that are significant to us and the earth. In the UK, they banned a heartbreaking ad made in Iceland about the palm oil crisis that affects Orangutans and their environments for being too political. This isn’t a political issue, it is harming our animals and the earth. We have caused deforestation for our greedy needs. This video was simply there to help bring awareness to us. Our daily used products and food contains palm oil which results in ruining many animals homes.

Furthermore, think of the things you can do to reduce major problems that go on around the world. Visit zoos, aquariums, and gardens to educate yourself on the many types of animals and plants that are there to benefit us. We can make a change in the world one step at a time!

