Facebook Ins and Outs for Business Owners

Diana C Ariza
Social Media ASTA
Published in
4 min readMar 25, 2019

Facebook is about people, and our mission is to make the world more open and connected.

Over 1 billion people are consistently using Facebook on mobile every day.

Source: Facebook FY 2016 Earnings Report.

What Facebook is about for Business Owners

The goal of News Feed is to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time so they don’t miss the stories that are important to them.

According to Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings, Facebook is 85% accurate in broadly targeted global campaigns — and up to 90% accurate for US campaigns combining age and gender.


Facebook launched in 2004, the goal was to bring people together. As they grew and connected more people with one another, they created the great opportunity to connect businesses with the people who mattered to them. Initially was a network to connect college students all over the world, now is one of the top Social Media platforms used for personal and business use.

Facebook launched sponsored groups in 2006 to connect users with the brands they love. Large retailers were able to direct-market to Facebook users through Sponsored Groups. Then Facebook revolutionized advertising by enabling people to engage with businesses.

Merge of Facebook Pages and Instagram Publications

Then, we see the merging of Facebook and Instagram in the last couple of months. Now is three who are merging.

While all three apps will continue to work as stand-alone applications, the underlying messaging infrastructure will be integrated. For example, a Whats App user could message an Instagram user, something that’s currently not possible.

The integration is projected to be completed by the end of 2019 or early 2020, according to The New York Times, which interviewed various people familiar with the project.

With this update, business owners or entrepreneurs will be able to message their customers, regardless of which messaging platform they’re using — the change would appear (in theory) to extend the reach of a Facebook Messenger chatbot to a significantly larger and more geographically, and demographically, diverse population, which creates a super-compelling case for businesses to engage, communicate and improve their reach with their customers via chat.


In 2007 Facebook Pages: which were distinct, customized profiles designed for businesses, bands, celebrities, and more to represent themselves on Facebook. Now is greatly used for any business owner, products or even Coaches who are replacing their websites, to get into the hype, of showing their marketing skills in these Pages.

Facebook Pages are a great tool for Start Ups to start their Land Pages access, to start building their audience and build their database of clients and prospects with a simple click away and cool questions for the customers. Business owners can have statistics, access and even connect to their Instagram posts in order to have fresh and updated content. Everyday we have new tools, new tendencies and very competitive market in the creation and maintenance of these Facebook Pages.


Custom Audiences was a powerful tool that Facebook released in 2012. Power Editor users could upload bulk data like emails, user IDs or phone numbers, and create a targeted Custom Audience. Audiences and the right classification for it, for your business is a great tool and an informed TARGET for you to start researching, if you are doing the marketing yourself. Sometimes it could get overwhelming, since there are many strategies and terms that could be difficult for the already busy entrepreneurs or business owners. Therefore, we recommend you to ask us or Diana C Ariza and we can help you and your business to have a basic version and view to work on.


In 2015 Facebook 360 Videos and Photos offer a captivating way for immersive storytelling. Then Facebook Live is a way for people to broadcast to the world in real time via their mobile devices. It’s an easy, powerful way for anyone — including public figures and news publishers — to connect (2016)

Over 1.15 billion people accessed Facebook from mobile devices on an average day in December.

Source: Facebook FY 2016 Earnings Report.


Facebook option for specific messages within Messenger chat streams, which will help to clarify the conversation and make it clear who’s speaking to whom with each response.


By 2020, 75% of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video.

Source: Facebook Q3 2016 Earnings Report.

We should focus on creating a positive interaction with lead and clients through your business ads. For example ASTA focus on driving business results, such as brand awareness, preference, loyalty, and sales.



Diana C Ariza
Social Media ASTA

Entrepreneur & Startups | Social Media |Non-Profit| Mom | Disabilities Advocate | Emprendedora | Nurse | www.ASTAbusiness.com https://about.me/dianac.a