Recent changes to the Facebook News Feed: Less Fake News?

The Facebook News feed, provider of our daily diets of news and entertainment.

Facebook, as you might have heard by now, announced that it’s making changes to its famous News Feed.

Posts from friends and family are becoming more relevant, and content from Pages, including news publishers, less. This of course raises questions about what it means for the spread of fake news on the platform.

What was the rationale behind this decisions? Probably Facebook wanted to curb the impact of hyper partisan news Pages on political conversation, which was linked to the spread of false information.

But are they throwing the baby away with the dirty water? Some observers are commenting that “Mark Zuckerberg is changing his relationship status with publishers to “it’s complicated”.

British journalist and Columbia Journalism School professor Emily Bell thinks that overall these changes are going to be bad for democracy.

More here:

More on this also here.



Gabriele Cosentino
Social Media Blog — LAU — Spring 2018

Gabriele Cosentino (PhD, New York University) is a scholar working at the intersection between technology, politics and pop culture.