In Class Presentation

Each student should prepare a Powerpoint or another form for visual presentation (eg. Prezi), which should last about 5 to 7 minutes, illustrating the core idea and the development stages of your social media project

Time yourself when rehearsing the presentation to make sure that you will be able to present all of your points within the allotted time, as well as allowing 1 to 2 minutes for Q&A.

You should send me the Powerpoint file or the Prezi link at least the morning of the presentation and turn in (directly after you finish presenting) a folder containing your printed presentation notes/slides.

The structure of your presentation should reflect the main idea behind your project, and it should also reflected the changes that you have made following the instructor’s and class feedback.

  • introduction and brief discussion of your project
  • overview of your project development
  • analysis of both on-line and off-line engagement, including screenshots of analytics
  • selection of 3/5 most representative posts
  • brief discussion of scheduling strategy
  • ideas for future development of project



Gabriele Cosentino
Social Media Blog — LAU — Spring 2018

Gabriele Cosentino (PhD, New York University) is a scholar working at the intersection between technology, politics and pop culture.