Instagram Scheduling Assignment

The assignment is due next Friday April 20th at 9:00 pm. The assignment is worth 5 points.

For your next assignment, you will need to post three new posts and write a 500 to 800 words report on how your have developed an Instagram scheduling strategy for these posts.

Please send the report to me via email.

If your account has more than 100 followers, then you should include an analysis of your audience profile, and explain how this has informed your scheduling strategy.

Shedule your next three posts based also on the engagement metrics that you have analysed for the Engagement report assignment.

If you have less than 100 followers, you could work on the analytics of a fellow student. You can have him or her submit the account analytics to you via screenshots, and write a report on his or her numbers as if you were a social media manager or consultant.


For this assignment, you can have an extra 3 points bonus if your account has reached more than 100 followers.

For already existing accounts, please send me proof that you have gained at least 100 followers in the past 45 days.



Gabriele Cosentino
Social Media Blog — LAU — Spring 2018

Gabriele Cosentino (PhD, New York University) is a scholar working at the intersection between technology, politics and pop culture.