What is social about social media

Nowadays, the world is witnessing 2.77 billion social media users around the globe ,71% of internet users are social media users. social networking is defined as an online community that allow people to develop profiles of their backgrounds and interests, communicate with friends and strangers, and share thoughts, photos. Social media is considered very important in it’s users life as it helps them in multiple ways such as communicating socializing getting recognition some people use it for business purposes. Today every well-known company must have a webpage or a social media account to get as much market share (we are talking about social media market) as possible, the race for followers like comments in intense between companies trying to be bring attention to their pages and products.

Many new inventions helped social media in its road to success like Web 2.0 in the early 2000’s.The web became easy to access for everyone, for higher class as well as for the lower class people started using social media to express their opinion about any topic that they found interesting ,social media played a huge role in the Arab revolutions in the middle east for example the revolutions in Egypt started by events created by users on Facebook and when the government at that time contacted Facebook to stop this events Facebook declined by saying that people are free to share their opinions and create the event that they want and we wont stop them from doing so, suddenly this events reached millions of users in Egypt. Thus social media can play the role of double sword effect in many situations because of its bad and positive effects. When we talk about social media most teens will replay by its positive effects, Personally I think that social media can have very positive effects if used properly such as communicating bringing the world a little closer now you can chat with any user around the globe easily, These sites allow people to find others with similar interests that they can create a relationship with and get to know one another, groups are created on Facebook for example for people to share thoughts on a specific subject. Some users use it for business purposes by posting their work on that platform and getting famous, These sites allow businesses to advertise on a big market, they can create accounts for their business. Numerous businesses have created profiles that provide information about the business to advertise and the cost if very low. Businesses will gain attention on social networks because business profiles are available to for all users of the social network to see. Also businesses like to use social networks to learn what potential employees share on their own accounts, and make decisions based on the information provided on the person’s profile. Others use it to express their opinions on twitter mostly. Now social networking is available on mobile and can be accessed through cell phones. It is thought to be a great idea since a lot of people carry cell phones with them at all times. People can use mobile phones to update their status, post comments, upload photos, send messages, and update profile from just about anywhere. This allows people to be able to get things done as well as take some time to log onto social networks. On the other hand, using social media can actually be harmful. Social media is something most kids, teens, and even some adults are using all the time.it became a part of our generation’s life. For some people taking away social media from their life is impossible they became so addicted to social media use. These people might not view it as an addiction because everyone else is doing it, but it is because it is unnecessary time and effort that is being utilized. Such use of social media can be very damaging as it is proven to cause anxiety and depression, and time consuming preventing users to become efficient in their work place because they are always spending their times on their phones. Another privacy issue is hacking, because social networks do not offer enough security measures, many users accounts are vulnerable to hackers to get access to private photos or information. This situation happened 1 year ago when many well known artist got their accounts hacked by a group of professional hackers and their private photos were leaked to social media for public view which created a huge concern on the security measurements implemented by companies such as Facebook and Instagram.

We discussed in class fake followers, people buying fake followers from websites just for the sake of being famous. Personally I don’t think there is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in this situation. Simply because this method can be used as a small boost for a good cause such as new artist body builders and others are paving there way though social media, for them social media is a platform to expose their work so the more recognition they have the more producers, investors will be willing to pay them to perform their acts in front of real audience so using fake followers as a small boost in this situation is acceptable as long as It doesn’t cross the limits. In other cases using fake followers as main source to drag the attention of customers and audience is not acceptable, as example a page on Instagram for a mall In Dubai got 5million follower so you can guess by the number that it is really famous, well if u check the images posted by this page they barely got to 500 likes which gives you an idea about the huge number of fake followers that this page bought to get the attention of potential customers.





