The Google+ Goldrush — Why Great Writers Should Be Excited

At this very moment, there is a huge amount of opportunity for writers to significantly increase the commercial value of their writing.

Social Garden
Digital Marketing Quick Tips


It’s not just a social media platform; it’s an authority engine

Basically what this means, is that Google is looking to deliver it’s users with the website listings that are going to be the most helpful, timely and relevant. If you want to get on Google’s good side (and it’s a heck of a good side to be on) then just make sure you’re offering it’s users information that that they are looking for, pretty simple huh!

Digital Identity

One of the major challenges that Google faces is identifying the difference between great content, written by great authors, and spammy content, written by spammy authors.

The way they have decided to combat this challenge is by not only giving website’s page rankings (which has been around for ages), but giving online authors, a ranking too.

In 2011, Google introduced Google+, which allows users to attach their G+ profile to the digital content that they produce. Google in turn rewards users by giving them a more authoritative authorship profile, which delivers better search engine rankings.

Authority Engine

It has now gotten to the point that Google is able to use their own ‘authority engine’ (Google+) as one of the major deciding factors as to whether they should rank one blog post or piece of content, over another.

This is fantastic news for those who are getting ahead of the curve and beginning to market their content via Google+ Communities and integrating the Google+ social sharing function into their blogs — and it’s bad news for everyone that’s not.

You have an opportunity to get ahead, right now.

Barriers to market leadership

Right now, authority is being assigned to early G+ adopters in markets around the globe, herein lays the opportunity for great writers.

If you can gain an understanding and insight into a specific industry, there is tremendous potential for you to become a digital authority on the subject, which means when you write about this topic, Google, and the world, listens.

Gone are the days of only the ‘elite’ CEO’s and business owners having a voice within a marketplace, it now largely comes down to whose opinion is being seconded within the realm of Google+, both in terms of the platform itself, inside circles and communities, but also via +1’s on your blog.

Connecting with other industry players

Now, I’m not saying you can go out and write a couple of blogs and all of a sudden you’re the international authority on a given topic, real leadership and success lies within networking with other power influencers and leveraging their credibility to assist your own.

In years gone by, it was immensely difficult to get in touch with business leaders from around the globe, now it is much simpler.

A few of the more forward thinking global heavyweights within your market place will already be on Google+ and actively contributing to industry circles, communities and hangouts.

It is in these leaders own best interest to network with ‘up and comers’ like yourself, so make the most of this opportunity with a little shameless networking and self plugging to kick start your career.

Key Takeaway: Select a market to become an expert in and then blog your way to influence

Reason 3 — Better Authorship Ratings = Bigger Paydays

Making it to the top of the Google results page is becoming increasingly difficult, with more companies cottoning onto the fact that decisions are made online, even if the transaction takes place offline.

With your new authorship rating, the content you develop will be much more likely to end up in front of buyers who are looking for some inspiration or expert advice on the topic. Your opinion matters, big time — and companies are beginning to realise that.

Case Study

At the end of last year I wrote a blog post about how business can identify whether their SEO company is dodgy or not. Last week, I looked up the search term ‘SEO companies’ here in Australia, and I couldn’t believe it when I saw that my post was featuring on the front page for this ludicrously competitive term, without a single back link being built (at the time of writing).

The article ranking on this page has been sending around 10 new people per day to my site. Given the fact that the Google Adwords price is around $35 AUD per click for this term, I’m receiving a couple of thousand dollars per week worth of traffic from this post alone!

Sidenote: Check what the banks in your area are up to on Google+, you’ll be surprised how active they are. ;)

How you can use this information

These types of case studies give you a huge amount of leverage when pricing up a project with a potential client. Ranking within the search engines is a significant focus for hundred’s of thousands of businesses around the world, if you can help them achieve these business goals, then you become an extremely valuable (but expensive J) asset.

How to get started

You can get started by signing up for a Google+ profile here and then follow these simple instructions to get your website and authorship profile integrated.

I would recommend writing down a list of verticals you have a good understanding of and are interested in before considering the commercial value of each.

Once you have worked out which vertical you are going to target, start getting involved within the relevant communities and adding people from the industry into your circles. Make sure you become an active part of the community, and not a spammer. You can do this by commenting and +1’ing on other great content, you will find people will be more than happy to return the favour.

Michael Bird is the Co-Founder and Director of Strategy at Australian based Digital Marketing Agency, Social Garden.

He loves reggae music, entrepreneurship and digital innovation.

Mike’s Google+
Social Garden’s Google+



Social Garden
Digital Marketing Quick Tips

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