Top 10 What NOT To Do’s in Social Media Marketing

Social Media Corner
6 min readSep 26, 2014

If you want your social media campaign to be successful, as with most other things, there are many To Do’s that should considered and then there are many NOT To Do’s we must all watch out for. Here are a list of the strongly suggested NOT To Do’s that should be avoided while executing your mission on social media:

10. One Size Fits All, Right?

Wrong. You do not have to be on every social media platform under the sun. Unless you have an entire staff to manage them all, this is nearly impossible for any small to mid-sized business to handle with care. Pick a couple of the best platforms that fit your brand and reach your target audience. I know we have said this many times before, but it’s true; quality beats out quantity every time. Think about where your brand’s niche really fits and go in that direction. You need to find the people that want to find you.

9. Social Media is the Only Marketing You Need Online

Are you kidding me? That’s just the start. By all means a good one, but the latest and greatest social platforms are only doorways to your marketing goals. Do not overlook the importance of e-newsletters and blogs, for example, and the most important of them all… your website. Each plays a different and important role in reaching your customers. Work each avenue. Educate, entertain and be clear with your call to actions.

8. A Little White Lie Never Hurts Anyone

Well… this may not only hurt your personal reputation, but misleading your audience could kill your brand in the long run. Honesty is always the best policy. The last thing you want to do is lure potential clients in by exaggeration, and then have them figure out you lied. Not only will this put a halt to your current sales opportunity, but they won’t buy in the future as well. And the kicker is, you will get all sorts of new social media coverage when they spout off about the situation through their own social media accounts and to their friends in person. But, if you are one of those special gamblers… just be prepared to back it up.

7. It’s All About You

Nope. The point of social media is… to be social. No interaction = no engagement = no emotion = no transaction = NO ROI. Sharing and interacting with others posts is extremely important in the rules of engagement in social media. After all, why should they share your content if your are not willing to share back. Kinda how it all works? Right on. You should share content from related industries and fans as well as industry news and updates. Maybe throw in a Friday funny if it made you laugh. Keep it light once in a while. Heavy, fact-based content about your brand is not necessary 100% of the time. Have some fun, make people laugh. Make them feel good by sharing their successes and news. It will help the social community relate to you better. Promise!

6. Selfy, Selfies, Self or Love to Share Personal Details About Yourself

Ummm… seriously? Don’t get me wrong here. Making it personal is important. You want your followers to get to know you and feel comfortable with you. This builds trust. BUT, there is a fine line that should never be crossed. There are things that your business followers REALLY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. That should be enough said, but we can’t help but elaborate just a little. Religion, politics and sex… oh my! These are the subjects that should be avoided at all costs. Unless, for example, you are a church, a politician, sell condoms or a combination of the above… then, we may reconsider!

5. As Long As You Have the Social Page Setup, Posting May Be Mute

Let’s get this straight, if you can’t commit to taking care of your social media platform on a regular basis then let’s just not go there. Don’t sign up just to say you’re out there. You have to be social for it all to work. Did I really have to say that?! If you are advertising that you’re on a particular social platform and a potential client goes there only to find you that you haven’t been there in months… well, that doesn’t say a whole lot for your brand. Actually it kind of says you are lazy and you started something you couldn’t finish. That really is enough said.

4. You Have a Facebook Page… You know All About Social Media Marketing

This one is simple, or just simply wrong. The world of technology is constantly changing every day, every hour, every minute and social media is changing right along with it. If you cannot stay on top of this beast, then consider working with someone who can.

3. You Enjoy SPAM (Posting A Lot), Not the Other White Meat

The last thing you want is having someone unfollow you simply because you are clogging up their news feed. Annoying. You do not have to take an “in your face” approach to get noticed. Back to the point I made earlier… quality beats quantity every time. Less can be so much more interesting. I think we all know from experience where the unfollow button is after someone or some business has clogged our feeds with selfy, selfies, self or just constant details with much to do about nothing. Even if we didn’t click “unfollow” we have become numb to their posts and quickly scroll by.

2. Be Vulgar, Be Obnoxious, Any Coverage is Good Coverage

Don’t make me laugh. Or maybe you will if you believe that one. Think about it, when someone is being negative around you, how does it make you feel? Do you feel somewhat negative as well? Basic grade school knowledge here… what you say and do only reflects upon you and your business. Putting others down, using vulgar language, or being obnoxious in your social media campaigns links those feelings with your brand, and most people won’t even remember who or what you are talking about. They will just remember the feelings you initiated. We guarantee in most cases clients do not want to hear about it. There is enough negativity in everyday life. Maybe you want to test this one… feeling lucky?

1. You Do Not Need Someone Dedicated to Manage Your Social Media Efforts

Watch out! This one really touches home. Social media is no longer something you might consider for your business in the future. It has become a must now. If you want to keep up with your competitors and reach existing and new clients then you must have a presence on social media. This does not mean setting up an account and forgetting about it is the answer. And just because your brother’s girlfriend has a Twitter account, does not make her a social media expert. Making social media work for your business can be a full-time job. Either way you do it… plan, know where your audience is, be social regularly and consider consulting with a social media manager.

We often learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Don’t be afraid to get your social media campaign up and running. If a mistake is made then learn, move on and set your sights on the next step in your plan. The best thing about social media is that there are no set rules and there are no experts. Experiment, learn and have some fun.

-By Antonette Martucci



Social Media Corner

Sourballpython creates unique brands, manages social marketing and creates complete web & print design marketing packages.