Day 8/30: How does it feel? A full week of my 30 day IG & Insta detox.

Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2023

Honestly, it feels a lot longer. I’m proud of myself for making it this far.

I can feel my mental health improving.

Rather than scrolling first thing in the morning, I’m creating moments to savor. Got out my coffee french press the last couple mornings and I’m enjoying the slow of it all. Slow to make. Slow to steep. Slow to sip. It feels amazing.

Yesterday, we had friends over for the 4th of July. I didn’t tell them I was on a detox, keeping this one a secret from everyone. Not sure why, but I am. They posted pictures, they tagged me. I was tempted to go see, but didn’t.

The urge to mindlessly check is getting easier to resist, I proud that I’m honoring myself rather than giving in to the temptation.

Other things happening:

  • My phone has never been so organized. I deleted apps I no longer use and put all the apps I do use on the front page. IG and Facebook are not there!
  • I’m also way in tune to my overall my phone usage and use it so much more intentionally now. I used to go on my phone to accomplish something, get distracted with IG and forget/not do what I set out to do in the first place.
  • I’m sleeping better. Less anxious. Better rest.
  • I’m reading more and loving my audible trial!
  • The house is generally cleaner and more organized

Overall, I still have an anxious feeling, not sure why. I think its part of the healing journey.

I do, however, look forward to each day and the ways I find to own it and savor it. Life is too beautiful to have my nose in the phone all the time!



Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox

I’m addicted to social media, mainly Instsgram. This is my detox journey (started 6/28/23)