Day 2/30: Did I just swap one vice (Instagram) for another (Medium)?

Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2023

This is the start of day 2 of my Instagram detox. How did the first day go?

Pretty darn well, actually! I’ve tried to detox from Instagram in the past and failed miserably, rarely ever made it past day 1. It’s such a bad habit for me to check Instagram on my phone, I do it without thinking. This trap would get me. Every time. I’d find myself in the app and my brain would panic, “You are not suppose to be here!” This is when my weak willpower would fail me and my detox would sadly end.

This time I made it thru day 1. Thru day 1! Yay! Extra cup of coffee for me!

This time feels different. Why? Medium. Did I just switch one vice for another? Probably.

However, this vice (and who doesn’t have a vice) feels healthy. I actually learned so much yesterday by digging around and reading other authors. I cannot wait to apply all the valuable things I’m learning.

Also, I’m on vacation. Not really vacation, but sorta. My son and I are in San Diego dog sitting. Cool gig, huh? We pick an activity each day. Yesterday was a water park day, so I was super distracted. I know that helped curb the addiction.

This morning, I woke up excited to write. This is SUCH A GOOD, HEALTHY FEELING! What I normally do is check Instagram. Aimlessly scroll and then walk away feeling bad and hallow.

Do you ever just type a word and it doesn’t look right? Hallow. That doesn’t look right to me. Just looked it up, that’s because it’s spelled wrong. Hollow.

I aimlessly scroll and walk away feeling bad and HOLLOW. There, that’s better.

Ok, I digress. Digress. That doesn’t look right either! Just checked, it’s correct. Boom.

I love this detox and writing challenge I created for myself. This is fun. This is healthy. Here we go with Day 2!



Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox

I’m addicted to social media, mainly Instsgram. This is my detox journey (started 6/28/23)