I did it! Top 5 things I learned from my 30 day social media detox

Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2023
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On June 28th, 2023 I logged off the social media accounts that hogged my time, Instagram and Facebook.

Today is July 27th, 2023. 30 days have officially passed since I mindlessly scrolled either platform.

What did I learn from this experience?

1. I’m not dead.

In fact, I argue I’m even more alive. My overall thoughts today compared to a month ago are calm, grounded, rich. Before the detox words like anxious, empty, shallow come to mind.

Shallow. That word resonates. Scrolling is like being a skipping rock, skimming the surface before quickly moving on to the next. Today, I’m the rock that finally dropped into the water, I’ve slowed down and discovered depth. Depth thru reading more, real books. Depth thru Medium. I love reading your articles and enjoy crafting my own.

2. I do miss seeing posts and pictures from friends and family.

I missed posting on my friend’s wall on her birthday. I look forward seeing the summer adventures of my family and friends. I can’t wait to log into Facebook today and catch up.

3. I pick up and check my phone A LOT.

Even now. I’m aware that my addiction runs deeper than just scrolling social media. I’m addicted to my phone and I have a lot of work to do in this area. When I figure out how to have a healthier relationship to my phone, my social media addiction won’t return.

My phone addiction is what I will be working on next.

I need to be available in case my kids (or husband / family / friends) need me, I will figure out a way to have my phone ring and texts alert me regardless of time and learn to check it mindlessly less.

5. I think about myself less, a lot less

Social media creates narcissistic tendencies in me. Maybe I need a light for my face that will give me less wrinkles? Who cares.

I will return to posting regularly to my Instagram and Facebook feeds. I do like to share and document my life. What I’d like to care less about is who liked it. Again, if I can get in better relationship with my phone I feel like this will fix itself.


What I really learned thru this experience is that I CAN detox from social media, and for that I’m proud. However, my addiction runs deeper and the next level I will tackle is my phone addiction. Stay tuned!



Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox

I’m addicted to social media, mainly Instsgram. This is my detox journey (started 6/28/23)