Day 5/30: Instagram Detox

Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2023

I’m back from vacation, now the real challenge begins.

We arrived home to Phoenix last night to a balmy 113 degrees! It’s hot. Scrolling Instagram sounds like a great way to pass the time, doesn’t it?

I didn’t do it, I didn’t log on to my account last night or this morning. The detox continues, holy shit. I’m doing this.

Today, I got a big pit in my stomach that I just can’t shake. I’ve been spending a lot of time on Medium, it’s fun getting to know fellow writers. One of my new friends warned me yesterday that Medium is addicting, too. I see that. I feel that. Maybe that is where the pit in my stomach comes from, am I really fighting my addiction by joining this platform? After all, I’m still on my phone.

I like to tell myself that this is different. Reading your articles. Learning. Becoming a better writer is an upgrade to how I spend my time.

Right? Tell me I’m right.

Maybe the better indication of curbing this addiction is hours spent on my phone each week, the weekly stat my phone likes to tell me about that I like to ignore. Frickin’ embarrassing! Its probably exactly what I should be paying attention to if I’m really serious about fighting addiction.

Baby steps.

For now, I’m backing up the bus. Beep. Beep. Beep and celebrating 5 days with out instsgram. 5 days.

That shit alone is worth celebrating!



Kris Kainass
Social Media Detox

I’m addicted to social media, mainly Instsgram. This is my detox journey (started 6/28/23)