6 Genius Ideas to Repurpose Your Content

Collectively Social
Social Media Digest
5 min readJun 21, 2020

We all spend countless hours on content creation.

But what if I told you that there are many ways that you can increase leads and traffic from the same content you have spent a lot of time with minimalistic efforts?

All you have to do is repurpose your content. Take what you have already produced and allow them to have space on other platforms for further reach and visibility. There are just so many ways to get more usage out of your content. So what do I mean by this? Read further.

1. Instagram post to Pinterest board

Compile posts that you have created on Instagram and create a Pinterest Board with them. This allows more than one platform to showcase your content. We all know how long it can take to create an Instagram post and instead of only using that content once, having it posted elsewhere is a great place to have other eyes that can see them.

Canva is a great social media creation tool that allows you to adjust the sizing of your posts. This allows you to use the same media post as an Instagram post and a poster-style sizing for Pinterest Boards. You can preserve the design and message of your post, but have two versions that will work well in various social media channels.

2. Blog post to Email newsletter

A blog post contains a huge chunk of knowledge that your audience might not have seen. What if you added them to your email newsletter? This will help boost traffic for the blog post you may have written a while ago, but still has the same message to bring to your audience.

As you are filling up your weekly newsletters with content, it can be a great way to repurpose your blog posts and link them in your resources/education section. This gives your audience the chance to view content that they may not have gotten across or have known about. It also allows your audience to reach out and add visability to your content if this topic is of interest to them.

A fantastic resource is mailchimp. This allows small businesses and early start-ups to build an email listing and create a simple and comprehensive newsletter with their easy to use platform. Mailchimp offers a free and paid version (with additional templates and features).

3. Podcast to Blog post

By Pixabay (Pexel)

People have different preferences for the types of medium that they enjoy. This is why you can turn your podcast into a blog post. Extracting the large information and wealth of knowledge from a podcast into a blog post can be beneficial, and a great way to refurbish your content.

Entrepreneurs and start-ups have turned to Spotify, iTunes, and SoundCloud as platforms to release their podcasts. Podcasts, on one hand, provides the audience with the option of listening to the information but what if the audience wants a written script? Here comes the importance of again, repurposing content you already own. Turn your podcast into a written script and your learnings into a blog post that allows others to extract resources from.

4. Workshop to Ebook

Workshops are a great place to learn about a specific skill that you are interested in crafting. But in many cases, workshops are in person and are not documented for others who missed it or did not attend. But the workshop content can be crafted into an ebook where anyone interested in downloading the content has it at their fingertips.

Ebooks can be easily created using Google Docs or Microsoft Word and if you are looking for something more advanced, Adobe InDesign can be helpful in crafting aesthetics and infographics. An Ebook can be a fantastic way to allow your audience to obtain knowledge from you and offering an Ebook can even boost up your email listings and audience base. This can be done just by putting your knowledge into a written and visual format.

5. Instagram post to Email newsletter

Your hard work posts will not go to waste! In weekly email newsletters, adding in Instagram posts that you have worked hard on gives it space to appear elsewhere and take up space. Posts that provide handy information that are quick and straight to the point helps the audience that views your posts learn something new. It also allows those who have just subscribed to your email newsletters a chance to get to know your business and allows them to view your social media platforms.

There are many sections of a newsletter, and similarly to the above, allowing your content to not only appear on your website or social media channels, but also in a newsletter to be emailed frequently to your customers is giving your content space to reappear. Maybe there is a post that holds important information or provides huge insight. This could be the post you also include in your newsletters for larger engagement.

6. Blog post to Linkedin post

Turn blog posts into Linkedin content. Giving your blogpost space to reach a larger audience on Linkedin is a great way for people who may not know what you are doing to understand you and your business on another level. Linkedin is a platform that spreads information quickly and anyone who you know or not can see the post and benefit. It can also allow someone to start following your business and social media accounts because they liked the post they saw.

Let’s say there is an existing blog post on your website but the information it provides is still important advice for your customers, allow yourself to spread the word and market your post on Linkedin and give it more reach. There will always be new audiences that are interested in the post and would even subscribe and follow your channels and newsletters because you have provided them with a great resource.

Now there you have it. There are just so many ways in which you can turn an existing content into something of value once again. Find ways to repurpose content that you already have and remember to work smarter, not harder!



Collectively Social
Social Media Digest

We specialize in branding, marketing strategy, and content creation. We provide our clients with a professional, consistent, and unique social media presence.