Free Buyer Traffic Strategies For Affiliate Marketing

Free Affiliate Marketing Traffic Strategies!

It Takes More Time Using Free Affiliate Marketing Strategies!

Deon Christie
Social Media Education (DCM)
9 min readOct 20, 2023


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Free Affiliate Marketing Strategies Need More Time Than Paid Traffic Options
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What you will learn from this Medium story.

Free affiliate marketing strategies introduction.

Most commonly used free affiliate marketing strategies.

Best paid ads options with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing strategies and bulk traffic packages.

Conclusion of free affiliate marketing strategies.

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

Free affiliate marketing strategies introduction.

When it comes to using free affiliate marketing strategies you will need a lot more time before generating any sales. Making money with affiliate marketing using free strategies can be rather profitable, but there is a time factor to consider. The only way to make money with affiliate marketing a little faster is through paid ads.

But when you are a complete beginner, then we will not suggest paid ads. Rather go with free affiliate marketing strategies, although you will need to sacrifice a lot more time. At least you will not be losing money in the process. Because with paid ads as affiliate marketing strategies you need to know what you’re doing.

In this article, you will learn about free affiliate marketing strategies that need more time, but you will also learn about the most commonly used paid traffic options with affiliate marketing strategies. Because those are your two options for making money online through affiliate marketing and generating sales.

There are several free affiliate marketing strategies that have proven themselves rather profitable. But in light of these strategies needing a lot more time, it often also results in beginners simply giving up. This is largely a result of the more time needed factor. Most beginners make the mistake of “being in a hurry to generate sales”.

If you want to make money faster, well, then free affiliate marketing strategies are not it. You have a better chance in a casino for instance. Being in a hurry to leverage free affiliate marketing strategies and trying to avoid the “more time needed” factor will only result in disappointment. Which is why we compare that idea with “gambling”.

You might “get lucky” and generate a few sales providing the content you create is informative and competitive. But the chances of that happening are rather slim, we hate to be the bearers of bad news. But it is what it is. With free affiliate marketing strategies, you must first build reputation and trust, hence the “more time needed” factor.

Most commonly used free affiliate marketing strategies.

The free affiliate marketing strategies we are about to share with you, are also among the strategies we use ourselves. Why? Because they work, providing you keep going until they do. Not until you grow tired of trying. Only then you will have created your own, what we call, “passive online income” with affiliate marketing.

You must understand that free affiliate marketing means building your own online audience. Targeted audiences, not just a bunch of random people and fake profiles. Without targeting specific audiences, you might end up wasting a lot of time. Ever heard the saying “You cannot sell ice to an Eskimo…!”?

Well, that’s what most beginners are trying to accomplish. You do, however, have a much better chance at selling ice to someone stewing in their own body liquids. Like we’re doing in South Africa at the moment. Entering spring, beginning of September with temperatures varying from 30°C to 40°C.

Perhaps we went a bit “off-topic” for a moment there, but you get our point. Free affiliate marketing strategies need more time because it takes a lot of time to “set everything up”. It also requires consistency, not to mention attention-grabbing useful content. You must “build an online presence” and get noticed by leveraging the list below!

Social Media Networking (Groups And Pages).

Writing Articles With Affiliate Links (Medium, LinkedIn).

Selected Classified Ads Sites.

Answering Questions (Quora, Quora Spaces).

YouTube Channels And Videos (Creative Commons License).

Free Blogs With WordPress And Google Blogger.

Google Sites And Free Canva Websites.

7 Ways you can make money with free affiliate marketing strategies. But you might also recognise the “more time needed” factor coming into play. You must create groups and pages on Facebook and LinkedIn. Professional profiles with several major online websites. Like Medium for instance And Medium publications. Qura Spaces, YouTube channels, free blogs and websites.

You build these targeted free audiences while having fun doing so, and by interacting. Not by trying to generate sales, and you never share affiliate links directly. Instead, you share what we call a “bridge page”, the sole purpose of which is to redirect to another site (like your affiliate link). That is how you leverage free affiliate marketing strategies.

Free blogs, Canva websites, Google Sites, or YouTube videos can be considered “bridge pages”. Because they all redirect to your affiliate offer or affiliate link. But we have written several other Medium stories explaining how all this is done. You might want to scroll through our home page feed on Medium.

Best paid ads options with affiliate marketing.

Next, we will share with you a few paid traffic options with affiliate marketing. When done right, they are rather alarmingly effective. But you must know how to set the paid ad up, and how to target a specific audience based on search phrases and interests. We have however also covered that in Another Medium Article.

This particular paid ad strategy involves Google Video Ads and is also the “cheapest” in comparison. You can end up paying as little as $0.012 cents per 30-second video view. Anything less, you don’t pay. This is also GEO-targeted traffic interested in your affiliate offer based on audience interests.

But you also get to include a call-to-action button redirecting to your “bridge page”. Recently, we noticed you now also have the option to include an extra 5 URLs, like your blogs and bridge pages for instance. These are just a few advantages of our favourite paid ad option with affiliate marketing. Namely, Google Video Ads. Affordable and effective!

Yes, paid ads do need a lot “less time”, provided you know exactly what you are doing with paid ads. Therefore, a lot of “advanced knowledge” is required. But we are going to share a plan that works, and that we have followed with you in a bit. Among some of the most popular paid ads, you will find the list below.

Google Video Ads.

Google Ads.

Twitter Promote Ads.

Tumblr Blaze Ads.

LinkedIn Campaign Ads.

Selected And Limited Solo Ads.

The first mistake most beginners make when trying paid ads is to include direct affiliate links and Boom! Your ad is not approved! Sounds familiar? But if you used your Canva one-page website or Google Site URL then your ad would get approved. Regardless of whether you choose free affiliate marketing strategies or the alternative paid option.

Both ways you can never use affiliate links directly, apart from not being accepted. It is also not at all “professional”, and while we’re on the subject. Professionals also don’t share links in the comments! Unless it is on their own work, requested by their readers. We mentioned a “plan” just now, so let’s get to it then, shall we?

You start by using free affiliate marketing strategies that need a lot more time. Then you keep going until you generate some sales. Build your audiences, groups, pages, blogs, websites, profiles, spaces, and the list goes on. Once you start attracting targeted audiences (followers, subscribers, etc.), you will most likely start generating sales.

While doing that, you educate yourself as best you can with all the different paid ad options mentioned just now. So, by the time you have generated enough money with the free affiliate marketing strategies. Then you will have gathered the required knowledge to leverage paid ads. That way, you will not be wasting your money.

Affiliate marketing strategies and bulk traffic packages.

With “paid ads”, and “paid traffic” we DO NOT refer to cheap bulk traffic packages. Like one offer we recently received via email and just lost our breath laughing. But they “catch” a lot of beginners with these bulk robotic hits that do more damage than no traffic at all. Affiliate vendors will even block you from promoting their products with fake traffic.

This fake traffic damages their product website and they will not tolerate that. As we move on, bear in mind that the “cheapest” real USA traffic we could find online to date is $0.012 cents per 30-second video view. Now the email we received offered the following for only $29.99!

One Year’s Worth Of Marketing (Not Very Specific!).

Some Powerpack (Whatever That Is!).

99 MILLION USA Visitors (Yeah, Right!).

200 Same Day USA Sign-Ups (Not Even Possible!).

Based on the “cheapest” paid USA traffic we could find; we paid $0.012 cents per visitor. Now let’s forget about the other load of hogwash and just focus on the alleged 99 million USA visitors. By paying $0.012 cents per visitor, 99 million USA visitors would cost you $1,188,000.

And these blokes can provide that with a whole lot of other incredible (and impossible) offers for only $29.99! Now you know why we needed a moment to catch our breath. Please learn to spot the not, if it’s too good to be true then it usually is. There are no shortcuts to affiliate marketing success.

Please don’t “hit this pothole”, bulk traffic packages are nothing more than robotic hits. And from that “99 Million USA Visitors” you will not generate a single sale; we can assure you of that. You will be prevented from promoting affiliate offers though! And the “200 Same Day USA Sign-Ups”, yeah, whatever! We’re kind, not stupid!

We have provided you with all the most effective free affiliate marketing strategies and options. Along with a plan to start leveraging paid traffic. Please don’t go and waste your money on these robotic hits, fake followers, fake profiles, and all the fake traffic out there. You are going to destroy all your hard work!

Conclusion of free affiliate marketing strategies.

You will have to sacrifice a lot more time with free affiliate marketing strategies, pointing out the obvious. Building recognition and trust requires building your own online audience. This in turn requires your own groups, pages, spaces, websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and professional profiles. This can often take years of hard work.

That is why free affiliate marketing strategies can also be considered “taking the long way around”. But it is the best way to get started with affiliate marketing unless you know exactly what you’re doing with paid ads. Affiliate marketing, or any means of making money online should be considered a long-term goal. There are no shortcuts to success!

The plan with free affiliate marketing strategies is to build your audiences and keep going until you start generating sales through your “bridge pages”. While educating yourself extensively on how to create and place paid ads. That way, when you start earning commissions you will have the money to invest in paid ads. It’s a plan, and it needs time to work.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about the differences between free and paid affiliate marketing options? Have you generated sales with affiliate marketing yet?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Free Affiliate Marketing Traffic Strategies!” story on Medium is concluded. And with that, you now know the difference between free and paid affiliate marketing options! But you also “have a plan”!

Today all of our website traffic is generated from our own efforts. Efforts that we have perfected over the years and overcome many failures. Efforts that generated up to 16,364 free interest targeted visitors per day! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 30 to 60 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of our top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools we use. Subscribe to us (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you ASAP. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is our own personal free giveaway, so kindly contact us with any queries, not Medium support.



Deon Christie
Social Media Education (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.