Secrets Of Making Money On TikTok

TikTok Marketing Guide To Make Money Online!

How To Make Money Online On TikTok With Affiliate Marketing!

Deon Christie
Social Media Education (DCM)
9 min readFeb 10, 2023


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tiktok marketing guide to make money online
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this article.

Getting started with TikTok and building an empire.

Your TikTok profile and how to present yourself.

What kind of videos works best on TikTok?

TikTok Ads and the 3 major misconceptions.

About the money-making side of TikTok.

Getting started with TikTok and building an empire.

With TikTok growth and marketing, first, let me be clear. I am no TikTok guru or professional superstar. But I can share what I have learned, and how I got to almost 1K followers in less than one month, starting from “scratch”, as it were.

It has been rather exciting to notice that my TikTok growth is quite unexpectedly satisfactory. But admittedly it did require making around 250 TikTok videos, so, yes, a lot of work!

Now, if you disagree with what I am providing here, please correct me as I am open to learning. Admittedly, I am rather new to TikTok, but as you well know. I am no stranger to online marketing and a full-blown research junkie!

Although I have been on TikTok for quite some time, with hardly any followers. I have however been able to grow my TikTok audience rather exponentially in quite a short time, around 3–4 weeks.

Getting started with TikTok today would be like when you got started with Facebook in the early days. But I have learned a few “tricks” in a short period of time because I am a research junkie and love what I do.

Your TikTok profile and how to present yourself.

Personally, I use the exact same profile picture that I use for just about all my online profiles. But why would I do that?

Well, that is rather simple, in a word, recognition. If you used the same profile picture and someone comes across your profile, let’s say Quora.

Then you will be recognized as the “same person” on Quora, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. With other Medium stories, I mention linking between your profiles. As you can see, illustrated below.

My TikTok Profile redirects to my Medium profile because, in my opinion, it is a bit more professional than an affiliate link or offer. Those (affiliate offers), I share in my Medium stories accessible from TikTok.

deon christie tiktok profile screenshot
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

To the best of my understanding, this is how the TikTok follower count works and the benefits that come with that. Gaining more followers will be covered a bit later.

500 Followers = You can go Live and receive gifts with a certain monetary value.

1000 Followers = Your bio Link goes Hyperlink

10K Followers = You get paid for views, kind of like YouTube. As mentioned before, I have quite a lot to learn about TikTok. Like TikTok ads for instance.

Therefore, as mentioned just now, I am no TikTok superstar…yet. But it’s coming, It merely requires a bit more time. A bit more effort, and a bit more work. But I am a little caught up in Medium at the moment.

What kind of videos works best on TikTok?

Personally, I find inspirational videos, music videos and funny videos quite effective. And in my opinion, you must leverage TikTok traffic by offering entertainment, not promotional content.

I have had great results and responses with funny video clips, music video clips, and inspirational videos. You can create any kind of TikTok video easily with Canva. That’s the tool I used to make all my videos.

Author video on TikTok. The video was created with Canva and checked with TikTok for copyright. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

This particular clip I shared above is from Deadpool. Okay, hang on, how do you know these clips are safe to use? Well, I have learned that when you keep these video (comedy) clips short (less than 60 seconds) they get approved.

But they also pass the copyright check on TikTok, but more about that in a bit. How to run a copyright check, etc.

But you can also look for videos on YouTube, for instance, select the Creative Commons license videos. There is literally an ocean of videos you can create and use when you know where to look.

tiktok video stats for funny video clips
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Promotional content on TikTok should be done through TikTok Ads. Your primary purpose with your TikTok videos must be to entertain and draw people to your profile.

Knowing if the video clip you want to upload to TikTok is safe to use, you “Run a copyright check” as illustrated below. This is done while uploading any new video you have created for TikTok.

Just run the copyright scan to be sure you’re not violating any rules. It can be seen just below the “Schedule video” option when uploading a video to TikTok.

Uploading a video to TikTok is much easier than YouTube (to me anyway) for instance. Whereas with TikTok you primarily focus on trending hashtags related to your TikTok video.

uploading a funny video clip to tiktok
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

You have but 150 characters to include a “Caption”, use them wisely and I would say, try avoiding links. Instead, you should rather focus on hashtags, and remember your primary purpose.

Getting people to your profile through your videos.

With TikTok, there is no need for a long video description, video tags, and thumbnails. You can choose to upload a thumbnail, but I am admittedly not sure how to do that yet.

TikTok Ads and the 3 major misconceptions.

There are 3 major misconceptions about TikTok. Among my personal favourite sites are TikTok, Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. But with this article, we will focus on TikTok.

1 — TikTok Users Are Too Young For My Brand

This is the primary reason many brands won’t even consider advertising on TikTok. TikTok is often assumed to be used exclusively by teens, kids, and young adults.

This is simply not the case at all. In fact, if your brand’s target audience is anywhere between the ages of 13 and 60, your audience is on TikTok. And with 1.9 Billion visits per month quite obvious the place to be.

2 — TikTok Content Is Too Short To Make An Impact

TikTok videos are short, typically between 15 and 60 seconds. But you can now upload much longer videos. I have uploaded videos exceeding 3–4 minutes.

However, if a user isn’t hooked immediately, they can instantly swipe to a new video. Therefore, your first few seconds of the video are of paramount importance.

Despite the very short-form content, users spend an average of 89 minutes on TikTok per day. This timeframe increases the likelihood of your content being seen by your target audience.

But as mentioned above, there are certain videos that attract more attention. People are looking for entertainment on TikTok, not promotional content unless it is a TikTok Ad. Hence I redirected to Medium instead.

3 — TikTok Content Receives Low Engagement

TikTok measures engagement differently than other social media platforms. They do consider things like comments, video likes and follows, and shares, but they also factor in viewing times and replays.

But the “trick” is also to have your TikTok video showing up in the “For You” sections. As illustrated below the TikTok video, 99% of over 180K TikTok video views were from the “For You” traffic source on TikTok.

But the best part is that all these views were from top-tier countries. Now if that’s not quality free traffic, then I really don’t know what is. This particular video was a simple comedy clip.

Author video on TikTok. The video was created with Canva and checked with TikTok for copyright. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

I didn’t even think it would get noticed and it did! Truth be told, I was really just messing about being TikTok literacy-challenged. But with this exact strategy, my aim is to get people to my TikTok profile.

funny video clip on tiktok analytics
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Therefore, I share no links to anything. Just the video and the video credits are required. Along with trending hashtags of course. That’s it, offering entertainment, not anything promotional at all.

If you can make a TikTok ad worth the attention and get it in front of the right audience, you’ll be successful. So, you know now that your ideal customer is on TikTok — waiting to be reached out to!

About the money-making side of TikTok.

Facebook used to be the most popular advertising platform. The level of specificity and audience customization the platform offered not only got your message to the right people.

But it also got you a lot more bang for your buck!

Then the first developer beta of iOS 14 was released on June 22, 2020. Now, it’s no longer possible to reach your entire audience through Facebook targeting alone. The users who opt out slip through the cracks.

Next, your customized audience is slashed in half, and suddenly your ad spend is doubling and tripling for half the leads you used to get. In the past Facebook’s optimization made it possible to get by with just one platform.

Now, it’s time to broaden your reach.

There are plenty of excellent advertising platforms out there to choose from, but not all of them are going to work for your business. Don’t take your eggs out of one basket just to spread them across ten baskets.

For most businesses, this approach isn’t feasible or cost-effective.

Start diversifying with one new platform at a time. I recommend TikTok to start. The more limited your budget, the slower you want to take it. But just so you know, I have also discovered a back door with Google ads.

However, don’t add another platform into the mix until you’ve either eliminated or dominated the one before it. Follow one course until successful and then follow the next.

But my TikTok profile also redirects to my Medium profile for affiliate marketing. But you will have to reach 1000 followers on TikTok before your profile link becomes a hyperlink.

Hopefully, all these tips from my journey to grow a TikTok audience will help you to do the same. If there is anything you can add, or advise about, then please leave a comment. I can use a bit more TikTok knowledge.

There are over One Billion active users on TikTok and 200 million of these are from the United States. You’ll Discover Advanced TikTok Marketing Tips And Tricks To Boost Sales And Profits by driving traffic from top-tier countries! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

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Deon Christie
Social Media Education (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.