20 Questions with a Social Media Manager — Nicole MacKenzie

Anthony Vilaysack
Social Media For Business Owners
3 min readMar 20, 2018
Nicole MacKenzie, Social Media Manager

1. What’s your name, job title and how long have you been at Optimize Social Media (OSM)?

My name is Nicole MacKenzie, my job title is Social Media Manager, and I started October 9, 2017.

2. What’s your favorite part of your job?

I enjoy posting content to social media.

3. What’s your favorite social media platform you like to use in your free time?

Instagram closely followed by Snapchat.

4. If you had to classify your social media profiles into one of these three categories, which one would it most correspond with- food photos, selfies, or pet photos?

Maybe selfies?

5. What’s your favorite quote?

I have a tattoo of a quote, “Luceo Non Uro” which means, “I shine, not burn.” My last name is MacKenzie which is Scottish and this quote is a part of our family crest/clan.

6. What are you currently bingeing on Netflix right now?

How to Get Away with Murder, The Handmaid’s Tale, Girls Incarcerated, Black Mirror, and Unveiled.

7. What excites you about social media?

Everybody’s on it and it’s so easy to keep up with the times.

8. If you had to choose one, which would you choose- cheese or chocolate?

Cheese for sure- 100%!

9. Do you have any pets?


If you could have any pet, what would you get?

I would get a dog. I don’t know what kind, but it would definitely be from a humane society or shelter.

10. What’s the last item you ordered from Amazon?

A swimsuit for my last vacation to Las Vegas.

11. What’s your favorite part about working at OSM?

The culture is great and so are the people. Everybody is fun and easy to get along with and it’s very team oriented.

12. What was your last job before you started working at OSM?

I was a marketing manager at a remodeling company. I did all of the social media and marketing for them.

13. Which meme best describes you?

Awkward girl!

From imgflip.com

14. Are you more introverted or extroverted?

Extroverted- on the personality test I just took I was 74 or 75% extroverted.

15. What is the current podcast or album you are listening to?

I don’t really listen to podcasts…I have Apple music and I like to listen to the Apple playlist. They’re constantly updating it with new artists. They update it every week.

16. What did you study in school?

I majored in psychology and minored in marketing.

17. What’s your favorite movie genre?

Horror or comedy. Action is sweet too- I love action.

18. What are you looking forward to most about spring and summer?

Just being outside- lakes, patios, rooftops, and outdoor activities.

19. Who is your role model?

Probably my mom. She’s super independent and driven.

20. What is the last book you read/what are you currently reading?

It’s a book called Uninvited and it’s a motivational women’s book.

