Let These Statistics Tell You Why Social Media Is Important in 2021 Part 1

Elizabeth Zorn
5 min readFeb 12, 2021


2020 brought new challenges to the world with the global pandemic.

Those challenges trickled their way into many components of our lives, but arguably had one of the largest impacts on online and buying behaviors of most of the world’s population.

Now that 2021 is underway, we know that many of the changes and shifts in those online and buying behaviors are here to stay.

Do you as a business understand these shifts and changes and how to adapt your strategy to support your customers?

We have compiled a list of the most impactful statistics about online and buying behaviors that represent the changes in the landscape of social media along with how they pertain to you as a business owner.

We divided the statistics into 5 key ROI Categories:

Demographic Statistics — statistics that represent characteristics of the audience

Usage Statistics — statistics that represent how the platform is being used or accessed

Engagement Statistics — statistics that represent how users are interacting with content, profiles, pages, etc.

Business Related Statistics — statistics that represent how businesses are using social media

Ad Insights Statistics — statistics that represent how advertising components are being used, the cost-effectiveness, and results

Check out our YouTube channel for videos about reading and understanding insights!

Demographic Statistics:

69% of all adults in the US are using Facebook

We often hear from business owners that their customers are not on Facebook and that is why they do not use it in their marketing strategy. A new statistic states that almost 70% of all adults in the US are using Facebook. If after learning that statistic you still think your customers are not using Facebook as a potential way to connect with your brand, you are missing an opportunity to gain their business.

9.4 percent of global active Facebook users are women between the ages of 18–24 years, and male users between the ages of 25–34 years; constitutes the biggest demographic group of Facebook users

Many businesses dismiss the 24–35-year-old age group. That group is arguably the most profitable age range to target as a business. As a brand, you must not only identify who is your customer today but focus on who will become your customer in the future.

The 24–35-year-old group is the future when it pertains to a customer base. This group presents the perfect opportunity for brands to establish a long-term sense of loyalty and top of mind awareness.

If you find your “future target audience” at an earlier time than your competitors, you can generate a longer customer purchasing lifespan between those customers and your company.

More than half of the global Instagram user population is younger than 34 years old.

57% of LinkedIn traffic is from mobile devices

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform that businesses often forget about or only use for occasional hiring purposes. To match the growing trend of job seekers asking more about company culture rather than just compensation packages to make their employment choices, LinkedIn has added several additional features to enhance the way a business can communicate its internal culture to potential new employees.

Each week, 40 million people look for a job on LinkedIn

Put your business’ LinkedIn profile to the test by comparing it to our recent LinkedIn Profile Optimizing blog series or by following the link to our free social media platform grader!

Click here to receive your social media grade!

Usage Statistics:

In 2020, most of the world spent a lot of time in quarantine, but do you know how much it affected our social media use?

82 billion people on average log into Facebook daily

If Facebook were to be a country, it would have one of the largest populations in the entire world.

Facebook users spend 58 minutes per day on Facebook

So let’s do a little math here just to understand the magnitude of what that last statistic means.

If you have 1,000 followers on your business page, that is 966.67 hours a day that your business has the chance to be in front of potential customers.

Compare that metric to traditional marketing methods of sending out flyers in the mail. USPS reported that consumers do not collect their mail every day and spend less than 30 minutes reading that mail when they do collect it.

If you mailed the same 1,000 followers from Facebook a flyer at a cost to your business (vs a no-cost organic Facebook post), the maximum exposure would still be significantly less than it would be on Facebook.

98.3% of users access Facebook from mobile devices.

This statistic is the only push you need to make sure all your content is mobile friendly! Including your website and website links!

59% of the content on Instagram are photo posts

14.9% of the content on Instagram are video posts.

26.1% of the content on Instagram are carousel posts.

The total number of tweets sent per day is 500 million

3 people get hired on LinkedIn every minute with 55 job applications submitted per second

Only 1 million users have published an article on LinkedIn

In part 2 of the Let These Statistics Tell You Why Social Media Is Important in 2021 blog series, we will continue with Engagement Statistics, Business Related Statistics, and the Ad Insights Statistics and let them speak for themselves (with a little commentary by us) as to just how important social media in 2021.

Optimize Social Media provides social media & reputation solutions that evolve with our clients. As social media experts we manage Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yelp, YouTube and Instagram accounts for our clients daily. We help the modern business owner implement a specialized social media strategy so they can make more money in real life. Enjoy our blog.

