Let These Statistics Tell You Why Social Media Is Important in 2021 Part 2

Elizabeth Zorn
5 min readFeb 11, 2021


2020 brought new challenges to the world with the global pandemic.

Those challenges trickled their way into many components of our lives, but arguably had one of the largest impacts on online and buying behaviors of most of the world’s population.

Now that 2021 is underway, we know that many of the changes and shifts in those online and buying behaviors are here to stay.

Do you as a business understand these shifts and changes and how to adapt your strategy to support your customers?

We have compiled a list of the most impactful statistics about online and buying behaviors that represent the changes in the landscape of social media along with how they pertain to you as a business owner.

We divided the statistics into 5 key ROI Categories:

Demographic Statistics — statistics that represent characteristics of the audience

Usage Statistics — statistics that represent how the platform is being used or accessed

Engagement Statistics — statistics that represent how users are interacting with content, profiles, pages, etc.

Business Related Statistics — statistics that represent how businesses are using social media

Ad Insights Statistics — statistics that represent how advertising components are being used, the cost-effectiveness, and results

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Engagement Statistics:

Engagement on social media platforms can mean everything from a like, share, comment, copy link, link click, download, pin, tweet, retweet, and many more actions depending on the social platform.

The age group of 35–44 years old gives maximum monthly post likes.

The age group of 45–54 years old gives maximum monthly post comments.

Facebook users made an average of 5 comments, 12 post likes, 1 share, and 1 Page like in October 2020.

79% of users searched for more information about a product or service after viewing it on Instagram

If about 80% of the time users search for more information about the product or service after seeing a post from your brand, then your engagement rates should be one of the primary focuses for your brand.

If the user goes to your profile page to view your website but your do not list your website on your profile or your Facebook page is not connected to your Instagram page, the user cannot find the additional information that would drive them to make a purchase with your company.

The average engagement rate for photo posts on Instagram is 1.03%, video posts is 0.75%, and carousel posts is 0.86% from followers

Posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement.

Business Related Statistics:

80.4% of US Social Referrals are from Facebook

Social referrals are a key part of facilitating conversions, from social media views to click-throughs and then to purchases. A social referral is when a user engages with content posted by a brand and then clicks onto their business page from that piece of content. A brilliant piece of content can lead a customer on a journey from mere entertainment, to brand discovery and driving your new customer to make a purchase.

Example of Social Referral: the user sees the meme on the left in their newsfeed and then clicks the business profile to find out more about the page

More than 90 Million small businesses have a Facebook Page

200+ Million users on Instagram visit at least 1 or more Instagram Business profile a day

11% of US Instagram users shop on Instagram

140 million of those 1 billion users are in the US. So if 11% of those users are using Instagram to shop, that is 15,400,000 users monthly your business could market to.

LinkedIn is the 2nd most used platform for B2B marketing

4 out of 5 LinkedIn users drive business decisions

If your company provides business-to-business services, LinkedIn could be the perfect place for your brand to gain exposure to users that make the choices related to purchasing at their business. Advertising to this group via LinkedIn could effectively help your brand side-step some gatekeepers in the sales process.

Ad Insights:

2.14 billion people can be reached through ads on Facebook

The age group between 45–54 clicks on the most ads monthly

That metric might shock you, but keep in mind that people of all ages are turning more and more to Facebook for solutions in purchasing and research.

50% of Instagram users are more interested in a brand when they see ads for it on Instagram.

16 billion people can be reached through adverts on Instagram.

LinkedIn Message Ads have a 40% conversion rate.

65% of B2B companies have generated a customer through LinkedIn paid ads

Did these statistics help you learn anything about social media for 2021?

If you are interested in learning more about how important social media could be for your business, reach out to us via our website www.optimizesocialmedia.net or fill out our free social media grader form and our team will run a free analysis of your accounts and online reputation!


Optimize Social Media provides social media & reputation solutions that evolve with our clients. As social media experts we manage Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yelp, YouTube and Instagram accounts for our clients daily. We help the modern business owner implement a specialized social media strategy so they can make more money in real life. Enjoy our blog.

