The Importance of Daily Facebook Posts

Sydney Wachtler
Social Media For Business Owners
3 min readJan 14, 2020

It may seem like a waste of time to post daily on your business page. Or maybe you’re worried about inundating your followers with your posts. Daily posting is incredibly important for your business’s online visibility. Read on to find out why.

Increases SEO Value

Search engines like Google prioritize active platforms in search results. Google’s algorithm prioritizes pages that actively update and manage their information and reward them with higher visibility in search results. Your business will appear in searches more often the longer your pages have been active.

But how does a search engine determine what searches apply to your business? After all, you don’t want to be appearing in searches for carpet cleaning if you are an auto repair shop. This is a waste of your valuable time and resources. One of the biggest factors is keywords. Keywords are words associated with a search term, such as “oil change”. If you are posting regularly about oil changes on your business page, a search engine will recognize that this is a service that you provide. When someone searches for an “oil change” in your area, your page will appear more frequently and higher in the results.

Maximizes your reach

Only about six percent of your page’s followers will see a post on their timeline. Facebook has become cluttered with content, meaning that a post is more quickly buried or overlooked. Posting every day during high-traffic times, such as early evening, increases the likelihood that your followers will see at least one of your posts per week.

Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes posts that earn more engagements (likes, comments, shares). This means that every time a follower interacts with one of your posts, Facebook will prioritize your posts in their newsfeed over other less “important” content, and as a result, your post will achieve a higher reach. Therefore, it is critical to post engaging content that encourages an interaction.

Promotes top-of-mind-awareness

Customer loyalty is becoming a scarcer commodity in today’s competitive business market. Customers with no relationship with your business are easily lured away and will choose the business that has the best deals. You can combat this by keeping your business name in front of them so that when they have a need, you are the first business that comes to mind.

Increases Loyalty

When a Facebook user follows your page, they are subscribing to the content that you offer. Interested page followers find your content useful or entertaining, or are a past or current customer. It’s not possible to interact with every one of your customers in person daily, but you can easily build and maintain a relationship with your supporters through social media. Liking a follower’s comment or even better, responding, will promote a sense of loyalty.

Looks Professional

When someone finds your business on Facebook, there is a high likelihood that the first thing they will do is look at your page. They could search for your business information, the services you provide, or your reviews, but they will notice if your page looks abandoned and unmanaged. Potential customers will appreciate if you are regularly posting interesting content and engaging with your page followers and will be more likely to choose your business over another.

In today’s Facebook climate, it is no longer effective to post once or twice a month. To maximize your business’s presence on Facebook, it is necessary to post a minimum of 5 to 6 times a week during optimal times of the day. Posting regularly and interacting with your followers will also promote a positive online presence and brand image that will attract new customers and page followers and keep your current customers.

